After having read the novel, I felt that the ending was not a happy one at that. I don’t think the novel should have ended at such extreme. The monster destroying himself gave me a flshback to when president Obama sent his troops to kill Osama bin laden. I felt that it wasn’t his place to take someone else’s life. Although he did much evil, he had no right to command such order. Same goes for this creature who basically commited suicide. The creature’s emotional state led to such tragic death that it makes Victor actually look like the bad guy, in which technically, he is viewed as a villain. I believe that if Victor would’ve kept his word, none of the corruption that occured in the novel would’ve happened.
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- Daniella Martinez on Response 9 (Malcolm)
I agree with you that the ending of this book is not a happy one. I also thought the same thing when I read it, but later I realized that we needed to expect a sad or tragic ending because this is a gothic novel and in gothic novel we see elements such as terror, sorrow and more.