Response 3

In the recent chapters that we have been reading for the book Frankenstein we have been learning more and more about the creatures true nature and how it becomes corrupted by society. The creature is born like any other baby, curious and seeking affection. But he is born and basically abandoned by his creator because he looked disgusting. While the creature is alone he learns a lot of things by observing people and reading books. That fact in itself shows how the creature is capable of picking up knowledge pretty fast, but I am still curious myself how he learned to read those books in the first place. The creature is also capable of loving because in the book the creature finds a family that he would to call his own because he likes the way they do things together. The only thing that is stopping the creature is his own appearance. It’s pretty much like the real world, whatever people see is how they judge you. Now since the creature has been getting isolated for most his life and every encounter he has with humans is a bad experience, those experiences have slowly corrupted his kind heart. I say this because you can see how at first the monster wouldn’t hurt humans even if they were scared of him but after it kept happening over and over he became enraged because no one would give him a chance. An example is how there was a girl drowning and he saved her but ended up getting shot by someone who thought he was dangerous. In my opinion the creature has the right to be angry because he hasn’t done anything wrong and only receives punishments never any gratitude. I feel bad for the creature because he’s basically being outcasted from society for no reason.


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2 Responses to Response 3

  1. Jorge you make a lot of sense when you question how did the monster learn how to read; and also it is kind of unfair on how the monster has endured all this abandonment when he is actually seen as an innocent soul to many. You see the monster is just a theory of all the book , but deep down inside the monster is a childlike soul that never got the chance to be nurtured and loved. On the other hand you can compete the monster and Frankenstein and see how Victor Frankenstein at least had somewhat care from his mother before she died and also from Elizabeth and the creature had none at all;but for some reason it seems as if the monster has a kinder soul than him and it wasn’t his fault for Victor’s decisions.

    -Briana Estrada

  2. Mohammad.I says:

    I agree with you that Frankenstein’s monster had been corrupted by his numerous unpleasant encounters with humans that stained his once once gentle and kind heart a little bit at a time. This resulted him in becoming the monster that everyone previously thought he was and ultimately resulted int he death of Victor Frankenstein’s loved ones. If only Victor had listened to him and completed the creation of the monsters companion, the deaths would have been prevented.

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