Who is the monster 9/22

The chapters from this weeks reading leaves me wondering, who is the monster? The “monster” is on the surface frightening and wretched, but inside he is an innocent being. Shelley showed the child like nature behind the monsters wants and desires for acceptance and companionship. He starts his journey into life unaware of the struggles he is about to face and learns his appearance is far too unappealing for others to even give him a chance. When he finally reaches a point he may have a chance with the De Lacey family because they are loving people they attack him at first glance. I argue he was not born a monster but because of society he became one. It was the constant rejection from society that made him cruel and vicious. It started with Victor, his creature and the one being he first reached out for running from him. Victor created him and then rejected him when he found that the monster was not what he expected. Victor consistently makes the wrong choices when it comes making the ethical decisions in life. It could be argued that if Victor did not reject the monster at first then his brother may not have died. Also, if Victor spoke up for Justine to not be killed for a crime she did not commit. At the core of all the deaths is the common factor, Victor Frankenstein. I believe the true monster in this tale is Victor not the one that he created and i believe the title helps the reader to question that.

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