The creature

in life we are taught to be kind to one another and to show compassion, but yet we still hold judgement to what is different and unknown. I feel bad for Frankenstein, he didn’t ask to be made or put together has a project. He has to live with the fact that he is made but not in the image of mankind but of science. Victor gave him life but not the life he wants. “The creature” is suffering from rejection of the world and doesn’t know how to feel. This shows us on how feeling accepted or wanted can change a person views on life, “the creature” is trying to accept who he is. I feel that we all in some way are like “The Creature” we are born into this world and come from different backgrounds and have to overcome a lot of obstacle just to feel part of society, people sometimes don’t understand the struggle of another person, it is important that we show compassion and show love to one another, Mary Shelley is making sure we understand the idea of accepting who you are, and also the inner conflict we have with our self. we all deal with our own demons like victor Frankenstein. the greed of our own idea or want can be our own distruction. hopefully Frankenstein can find some inner peace which can allow him to live the life he was given, and victor Frankenstein needs to face the same madness he is creating by his own deed.

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