Response 2

The story of Frankenstein is so unlike what I expected. Yes, I knew that the story of Frankenstein had a gore and scary theme behind it, but I thought the monster himself was named Frankenstein. It turns out the creator’s name is Frankenstein. From chapters I’ve read so far, there are sequences of events that occur and it all starts from bad to worse. After Victor created this monster, he himself  could not believe what he was seeing which led him to spent months sick in bed. It sounds ironic if you ask me. And the funny thing is that this creature is out there and can’t seem to conform anywhere he goes.  It makes the reader feel pity for this monster just because no one wants to be near him which makes this creature feel like a loner. This creature does not want to be alone, he wants companionship. And the worst part is, Frankenstein agrees to create a significant other for him and ends up getting rid of the her. And this really just promotes anger in the monster.Anyone would be upset if you they were in this monster’s shoes. I thought it was selfish of Frankenstein just because he created this monster in the first place, he should’ve done what he promised the creature. The creature had all the right to be upset and to kill his son in the first place because there just wasn’t anyone to console this monster. He was driven with emotions as well.  It makes sense that a creature made up of human body parts, functions like one.

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3 Responses to Response 2

  1. caguirre says:

    I totally agree with you, if victor promise the creature that he would create a significant other he should of kept is word. I also feel that maybe victor feeling has change once he saw this creature or person come to life, he was so obsess with his work and creating this being and stop at nothing to accomplish it. He forgot bout the consequences of playing GOD and what this creature may be feeling or thinking, did victor even think that by any chance can this creature be able to understand and feel and not just see him has a thing or just an experiment. this book is great in so many ways, it makes you reflect on what going on in your life and to deal with our inner monster.

  2. Fbeni says:

    I agree with you as well. i have never read the book, Frankenstein, nor have i seen movies. I’ve just heard stories from other people and assumed him to be this evil, monstrous, creature, that was created. But after reading in a way i do feel sympathy for Frankenstein. He was alone and even his own creator rejected him and this was causing him great misery.

  3. This novel was not what I expected either. I also believed that Frankenstein was the name of the monster, instead of having no name at all. I would have enjoyed to see Victor give his creation a name, no matter how appalled he was of the monster. I also see why his monster was angry after Victor took matters into his own hands. But I’m still not entirely sold on whether he should have even created him a partner to begin with.

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