Response 2

While reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley you see that this story has a main theme of Gothic literature which is a monster. In the story it is clear that Victor wants to play the role of a god because after his mother passed away he wanted to have the power to stop people from losing loved ones and the only way he could do that was by creating his own being. The book many times refers to Frankenstein’s creation as the “monster” but if you really think about it the real monster should be Victor. I think Victor is pretty cold hearted  because he made the “monster” and didn’t even care for him with love which ended up making the “monster” very lonely. The monster scared away people which why he was lonely. Since he was so lonely he forced victor to make him a female monster so he would have a companion. Victor refuses which is why i think he really is the monster of the story. If he just made another one the “monster” would have never have to bother the human race again he would be living in peace with he companion. I also noticed that the monster is actually really intelligent. This is because all alone he taught himself how to read, he has emotions, sense of philosophy, and i’m surprised because he came up with his own revenge plan to get Victor for what he did. I’m thinking in my mind how is that possible that he learned all that without having anyone teach him.

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One Response to Response 2

  1. Mohammad.I says:

    I agree with what you said about Victors ego playing a major role in his own demise. His curiosity and ego got the best of him so he created a monster, an ugly monster, with a lot of human characteristics, but nonetheless a monster who kills people. He had the opportunity to put it to an end by created a companion for him but he made a foolish decision to not complete it.

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