Victor Frankenstein

Within the novel “Frankenstein” I found Victor Frankenstein to be a very questionable character who cannot place blame upon himself. Throughout the task of creating his monster he constantly stated that he didn’t want to go through with giving life on the undead. He said (in his own defense) that it was all for science and knowledge. He claimed that it was a strong force that drove him to create his monster, almost as if he were possessed.  Victor almost tried to convince the reader that what he was doing was actually helpful to society rather than something that defied the natural balance of life. Of course the audience is well aware that what Victor truly wanted was fame. I felt as if he sought redemption, after so many people kept telling him that his role models were bad and outdated. He wanted to prove that through the works of his idols he was able to incorporate their work with his great mind and create something that no other man had done before. Once the monster was created Victor felt horror and shame about his monster and he left his house. When he came back and found that his monster fled from his house he felt joy. Meaning that he saw how bad his creation was and wanted to redirect the blame and act as if he had never created the monster. Which really makes me wonder whether or not Victor Frankenstein is truly as good of a man as he thinks himself to be.

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One Response to Victor Frankenstein

  1. NickolineD says:

    I think you give Victor too much credit. To me he seems like a very questionable character, but he has a huge ego. As a child who was praised and given a laissez-faire upbringing, it wouldn’t be surprising that he became spoiled and over competent. He fed on recognition and praise so he did questionable things that people would want to ask him about. Overall I think he’s a child-like character that was never given the chance or reason to grow up.

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