Unit 3: Multimodal Repurposing Assignment

Due: 11/18/20


For this assignment you will repurpose the information you gathered for your annotated bibliography, and present it in another medium. This medium should be the one you think will best convey your information to a specific audience of your choice.

Your final product will go beyond the written word and communicate using multimodal composing. To accomplish this, here are examples of modes you might choose: TED Talk, audio Podcast, YouTube video, song lyrics, Wikipedia entry, video or graphic essay, blog, informational brochure, short movie, or play. (You might think of something else!)

Note: Regardless of the genre you choose, you must turn in a written component. For example, if you create a TED Talk or podcast you might turn in a transcript. For a visual or graphic art piece, you might turn in an artist’s statement. If you are unsure about what the written component should be, you can discuss it with me.

How will this be graded?

  • Careful and thorough thinking: The format and “vibe” of the piece you produce fits the genre you chose. In addition, it is polished and well-developed. Note: There is no particular word count for your assignment as the length will be determined by the genre in which you choose to work.
  • Audience: The genre you have chosen to work in and the choices you made when composing your piece are appropriate for your audience.
  • Repurposing: The piece you produce uses the research from your annotated bibliography and is related to your research question.
  • Timeliness: Your project is submitted on time.