Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 1: Introductions

  1. In regards to the 3 units, will each unit be extended per month? For example, unit 1 is for September, unit 2 for October, and unit 3 for November.
  2. Would it be fine to submit assignments early before the due date?
  3. Not a question but I’m glad we finally have a low cost and zero cost textbook for every class. I wish I had this option when I had to pay $150 for textbooks, before the pandemic.


1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Yes–that is more or less how the semester works out. Take a look at the course schedule for exact due dates.

    You’ll get your weekly assignments by the end of day Thursday and once you have them, you can complete at your own pace.

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