Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 2: Introduction to Discourse Communities

Quote 1: “However, it is unclear whether, in this era of cell-phones, family dispersion, a fluid and uncertain job market for the young, the rise of international trade, and the decline of local crafts and industries, traditional speech communities continue to exist in meaningful numbers.”

Response: I found this quote compelling because our world is changing so rapidly that we are not living in the moment anymore. As social media is exposing a new way of living people are comparing each other more often. Everyone wants to be better than others, and even faking their lifestyle just to show the world that they are better than others. At the same time social media has created a platform where communities come together or people come together on certain bloggers and create a community with similar interests and goals. 

Quote 2:”The latter was premised on a homogeneous assemblage of people who share place, background, language variety and who largely share social, religious, and cultural values. Such communities tend to be small and isolated, such as those existing in mountain villages, or on small islands, or in desert oases. “

Response: I found this quote compelling because I am surprised that people think that sharing place, or background, religions and cultural values have to living close with each other. People may share the same values, language, and have the same goals and may not even be from the same island.

First discourse community for me would be my family. We share the same values, same goals and have the same purpose in life. Our values make our bond stronger and give each other support on our journey. Without my family I don’t think I would be where I am. I also think I would be lost in this world without a purpose in life which my family introduced me to and taught me.

Second discourse community would be my job, during my job experience I have been introduced to communication, values and different living styles that added more into who I am. It has shown me the good and the bad in my and allowed me to discover my capabilities. I found so many similarities between my coworkers and how we share the same goal has led me to choose my clearer path on what I want to do for the rest of my life. 

Third discourse community would be the brown community because being a middle eastern brown, we share so many similarities with each other even if we are not from the same country. The way we are raised, our childhood, expectations from our parents and expectations of our society gives us a purpose to connect and have deep conversations. 

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1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Nice point that similar values are not dictated by place and space or proximity.

    I would say you should be more specific about each of your DCs. Where do your families shared beliefs and values and ways of being come from? Culture? Religion? There are probably many DCs that you as a group belong to.
    As for work, be more specific about the type of job so you can think about the shared language, goals, and processes.
    And which brown community? All brown people? Brown people from a certain place or religion or living in a particular place..

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