Hello future students, my name is Maiya George and i attended Professor Garcia’s English class this fall 2020 semester; and here is my experience. All classes this semester were online including this class, the only difference was for this one it was asynchronous; meaning we did not meet in person only work on individual assignments. Two of the assignments we were given that stuck with me would be the 1852 Frederick Douglass speech for independence day and the letter by Mary Wollstonecraft, because though they both are historical texts, their messages are historically relevant and held great meanings. We were instructed to read these texts, analyze their message and state two writing strategies they used. Texts dated in different time periods can be often challenging to read and dissect but these were quite interesting and helped broaden our knowledge in history. These were much smaller assignments which we had to post our responses here on OpenLab, however a Unit assignment that was very interesting and useful was Unit 2: Annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography was very useful because when making an annotated bibliography it helps you organize your ideas when doing research and assists you in understanding the material.

Though this class was 100% online as well as the rest due to the pandemic, it wasn’t as easy as we had thought. Classes can become much more rigorous when online being that you have everything at your grasp and sometimes might not have as much assistance as you did before in a classroom setting. Advice i would give for online classes is communication is key, i am typically shy speaking in person but writing and sending emails is my comfort place. So it should be similar for you, do not be afraid to ask questions it could honestly make or break your grade; it shows effort and diligence. Also avoid procrastination at all costs, it will be tempting but things can pile up much faster if you are not on top of it all.

Overall, this class was enjoyable and challenging all at the same time. Being in this class has helped me improve my English skills greatly as well as managing my workload with her agendas. It gave me the opportunity to learn new research methods, improve my essay writing, and navigate through this website being that this was my first time even using this. i highly recommend taking this course with this professor you will be pleased with the outcome.


Maiya George