Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Title it “Micro-Activity #13: Drafting the Annotations”

  • “Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development.” Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, 17 Aug. 2020,


This source is an educational video from Harvard University that specifically addresses how stress affects children’s bodies at a young age. The examples of stress could be hunger for too long, lack of attention, physical abuse, mental abuse, or neglect and many more. The stress hormones are released on children’s bodies when the stress response is activated. If the child receives emotional support a short amount of time after the stress is introduced, then the stress levels go down and the body calms down to homeostasis. After the stress hormone is released and the child doesn’t receive any emotional support for a long period of time then the child’s body stays in a stress state all the time. Over time, during the development stage when children’s brains are supposed to produce more neurons, instead the stressed body reduces the neurons in the brain. This is significant because abused children will have a delayed development furthermore leading to more complications in the future. Hence, it is clear that a constantly stressed child has a higher chance to have emotional, psychological and even physical developmental issues that leads the child to face further complications as an adult.

The research is credible because the study has ben done at Harvard University. Harvard University is one of the respectable universities in United States. At first the video starts with the baby crying and then it shows what is happening to the internal organs of the body system. Furthermore, there are two different scenarios. one of the scenarios shows that the baby is being comforted by the caregiver which leads to baby calming down. the second scenario show that the baby being neglected over period of time which is leading to baby losing neurons in the brain instead of producing more neurons during the developmental stage. those scenarios clearly shows the difference of affects baby experiences when the baby is experiencing short term and long term stress. the video is mostly intended for educational purposes for students and as well as parents.

I totally agree with the source that children are supposed to live in a healthy environment and if they are experiencing stress then it may lead to serious long term complications. I would also further research about how specifically losing neurons in the brain during developmental stages of the baby effects the baby emotionally, psychologically and physically. it is interesting to know how does a baby with stressed developmental stages differ from  a baby who was raised in a  healthy environment.

“Without caring adults to buffer children, the unrelenting stress caused by extreme poverty, neglect, abuse, or severe maternal depression can weaken the architecture of the developing brain, with long-term consequences for learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health.” (Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University)


  1. Ruth Garcia

    What you have here is great. But where is the rest of the annotation? See the Unit 2 guidelines–in addition to the summary which you have here, your annotation should also have an evaluation, an analysis of the genre and writing style, and quotations. Again see the guidelines for details.

    • Shahnoza

      sorry, yes I noticed my mistake.
      I made corrections and updated my post.

  2. Ruth Garcia

    This looks great now!

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