Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 7: Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

Speeches can help develop the relation between the speaker and the audience. It can also be easy understanding. The model I chose is speech. Douglass’ speech “What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July” inspired me to write a speech because he uses the strategy appeal to his audience thats against slavery. Douglass uses emotional appeal to make the readers feel the horrible institution about slavery. He also uses pathos, he describes his experience of witnessing the abuse of others as a child. Through a speech. I’m able to express myself where I can persuade the audience of the importance of my topic based on my emotion and tone. Five key elements of writing a speech is having a structure, having statistics or facts to persuade the audience, evidence to support my argument (personal experience, statistics), using transition words to not confuse the readers and lastly, keeping it short. My audience would be those who create stereotypes about single parent households but most importantly those who can relate to growing up or were raised in a single household. The audience would assume that this isn’t a situation worth speaking about but then realize  Throughout my speech, I will state the advantages and disadvantages about single parent households using statistical facts. Also will be stated is, who it affects, the possible solutions that exist.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Amia–you write: My audience would be those who create stereotypes about single parent households but most importantly those who can relate to growing up or were raised in a single household.
    But these are two very different audiences. You should focus on one because those raised in a single parent household will feel differently than those who judge it.
    I’m also confused about your goal, since you write: hroughout my speech, I will state the advantages and disadvantages about single parent households using statistical facts. Also will be stated is, who it affects, the possible solutions that exist.
    What exactly do you want your audience to understand and why? What you have now is contradictory and unclear.

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