Week 17 (Finals Week): Monday, 12/14 – Friday, 12/18

I can’t believe I’m publishing the final agenda of the semester. I’m really proud of those of you that have made it to the end. I know it has not been an ideal semester for most and for some it has been impossible.

I wish I had been able to see you all in person.  But I have enjoyed reading your work and meeting those of you who have come to office hours.  

I have a  few final announcements about things you need to keep in mind:

  • We have a last assignment –see below.  
  • I will have your final reflections with the portfolios graded by the end of next week and your overall class grade soon after that.
  • If you are still doing work and planning to hand in anything else, please let me know immediately. I repeat–immediately.  Email me at RGarcia@citytech.cuny.edu
  • Please keep checking this site–especially the announcements–and looking out for emails from me through OpenLab. I will be in touch if I have questions about things you are missing or if I hear more about the grading policy for this semester which the college is currently reviewing. 
  • If you have not had a chance to do so yet, please fill out SETs (Student Evaluations) for this class. 
  • Finally, remain in touch and let me know if you have any questions about anything at all in this class or as you register for next semester.  


By end-of-day Monday, 12/14


Micro-Activity #22: Final Writing Assignment, Letter to a Future Student

  • Write a post in which you do the following (approx. 300 words):
    • Write a letter to someone entering my class next semester and prepare them for this course.
      • Introduce yourself briefly and tell the reader why you are writing to them.
      • Choose one or two readings and/or assignments that have stayed with you; mention these to your reader and why you found them compelling.
      • Reflect on your experiences of being an online student; give your reader some advice regarding how to succeed in this area.
      • Conclude by sharing your thoughts on how and/or why this class (and what you learned in it) may be useful to you in future courses, a future career, and/or in any other aspect of your life!
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity #22: Final Writing Assignment, Letter to a Future Student”
    • Pick the category “Week 17 Work”