2020 has certainly been a challenging year and the prospect of having online classes only just added a bit to my anxiety about learning the material and my grades as well. However, I have to add that not having to get ready for class and commuting everyday was a big difference and somehow added more focus to my work. I have seen a tremendous growth in my academics since the beginning of the semester as well as a growth in my confidence and self-esteem. Becoming unemployed after having dedicated so much of my time to provide “above and beyond” service at highly praised restaurants around the city took a toll on my mental health and finances. There was only one way for me to take my mind out of the problems the pandemic created into my life and the world and it was to focus on my academics. During this semester I was not only able to learn from my professors and their classes but I was able to learn and teach myself how to be a better student. One of the most important things I learned this semester is how much I can accomplish if I apply myself , have the time and the perseverance to push through the anxieties and self-doubt I have about my abilities to be successful in college. It not only changed my outlook about myself but it also changed my outlook about the possibilities and opportunities ahead of me.

One piece that I choose is the “ Micro Activity 3: Brainstorming Discourse Communities” because it allowed me to take a deep look into my discourse communities and work on a topic that was very relatable as well as very important to me then and now. The assignment came much easier than I expected and it also took me into a problem that is still affecting my discourse community today. The research I did gave me valuable information and it made me more aware of how big the problem for the service industry has become in the past 8 months. The problem has only become worse and my discourse community still needs a lot of help to just stay afloat and how much the problem is worsening during the winter months. I did not struggle to find information, learn about it and brainstorm a solution to the problem.

The other piece that I chose is “Micro-Activity 12: Researching” because it was challenging to find a question to research. I did struggle to focus into a subject and to finally get my ideas down but since I had chosen a subject that interested me and aroused curiosity I was able to proceed and complete the assignment with success. In fact, I was able to significantly learn about the subject of substance abuse and addiction. The research I made was able to answer some questions that I already had as well teach me more about the subject by a highly experienced professional in the area of substance abuse and addiction.