Week 16: Monday, 12/7 – Wednesday, 12/9

(Thursday December 10 and Friday December 11 are Reading Days, no classes meet)

By end-of-day Monday, 12/7

Please read this end-of-semester note from me


  • Continue working on your reflections and portfolios.
  • Attend virtual office hours if you need help with any aspect of the portfolio or reflection
By end-of-day Wednesday, 12/9


  • Final Reflection and Portfolio Assignment Due. 
  • Create a post in which you link out to a google document of your portfolio. Make sure I have the ability to edit your document.
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “YOUR FIRST INITIAL and YOUR LAST NAME Final Reflection and Portfolio”
      • For example, this would be the title of my post:  RGarcia Final Reflection and Portfolio
    • Pick the category “Week 16 Work”
    • Set the visibility of this post to “private,” Go to the top left corner of the post page, click on the word “edit” next to “Visibility: Public” and choose private.