Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #20: Revisions”

I decide to work on my unit-2 assignment because I didn’t do well and I have so many small error. This assignment was pretty difficult for me, I didn’t understand in the beginning of format unit-2 assignment, that’s why I had do redo my assignment again. Its was gave me lot of pressure and anxiety. I did somehow again unit-2 assignment and I knew it, I was that good. I think what I need to do now that I got lot of comments and error so I just need to fix them all and revise again. Lastly I will need feedback from Prof.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Abdulla–you should have feedback from me on Unit 2. I just took a look and the feedback is in the document.
    Also, if you are still confused, please come to office hours tomorrow (Thursday 12/3 from 12-1) or email me at to make an appointment so we discuss this assignment. I know we already met once and that you revised and it still wasn’t done properly but let’s try again.

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