Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #21: Reflecting and Building the Portfolio

Writing reflections is extremely beneficial in seeing the overall growth in your writing and what are things that can be improved on. Throughout the activities we were given i can see an inconsistency in my writing, mostly rushed or i just didn’t put in as much time as i should have.  However, for majority of the assignments (mostly major) i tried to the best of my ability to fully answer the questions asked and increase my effort in each aspect. The topics we were given were interesting, drawing my attention which did keep me engaged in my writing .My least favorite assignment was the Unit 1 Assignment because at first i didn’t really understand what a discourse community was and why it had seemed much more specific then  what i thought it was. The concept threw me off a bit while writing which made me feel discouraged, i feel like rushed at certain aspects of it; leading me to revising it for this next assignment coming up. While, my favorite assignment this semester would have to be the annotated bibliography, i felt like the sources i chose defended my question and it was interesting to find more information on topic that is current.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I would love to hear what would have helped you with the concept of discourse communities–this way I can help future students better understand the idea.
    Also, what smaller assignments will you choose? Why?
    And what have you learned about yourself as a writer?

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