The assignment that I will be revising is Unit 1 with the letter about my discourse community. I received a C+ and I can do better. I believe the information on the letter explains a lot about the community and for those who do not understand or know about learned something from it. Minor mistakes should have been corrected before publishing it like being more straightforward and direct with a particular audience. One comment says the statistics are great but I had to use them to drive home a point: I noticed that using data without making a point can be irrelevant to the essay. Another comment says to draw readers, I can use a personal example. An example I can use that is not so personal, which is the situation with George Floyd or Elijah McClain. The third comment says what would the money be used for that will help the environment. Defunding the police means to redirect police funding into other governmental programs, like mental health programs, homeless shelters, and other programs that will help residents and the environment.