Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #20: Revisions

The assignment in which I am interested in revising is my first assignment that I have ever done for this class. This assignment was on “Discourse Communities”. I personally would love to redo the first assignment simply because I had a lot of questions, yet I was a bit shy to ask them due to past experiences. It was also somewhat apparent that it seemed like I misunderstood the concept of discourse communities. This was clearly apparent to others as well, as this is reflected in the criticism given of my assignment. Some of the problems included me not tying in my points to some sentences I made, undermining the severity of some of my points, as well as not making my genre clear. When revising my assignment, I hope that I can address all of the criticism that was given. I look forward to making the many and much needed revisions and corrections to the assignment. 

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Come to office hours or reach out to make an appointment or with questions if you are still confused about the idea of discourse communities.

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