Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #20: Revisions

The assignment I will be rewriting is Unit One. The reason I am rewriting it is because I had the lowest grade on this assignment. This assignment was theĀ letter to my discourse community. The letterĀ Ā turned out to be a little confusing . I had a lot of information but the way I presented the information was disorganized and I wasn’t making a clear point. Also some information that I included didnā€™t really relate to the point I was trying to make. Ā I gave a lot of information and I also left a lot of information hanging without an explanation. Ā I realized I need to tie all my information together and be more detailed with what im trying to express. I will rewrite my paper with better organization and with a clear message.Ā 

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This sounds great. I definitely recommend that after you revise you put it away for a day and then read it through out loud with fresh eyes–it would be even better if you have someone you can read it to–as this will help you catch issues with missing information, organization, or things that are unnecessary.

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