Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #17: Choosing a Discourse Community”

My audience of this genre was the people who live in New York City, because the majority  of  New Yorkers are experiencing homelessness than ever before.  Homelessness has become the top crisis in New York City. High Rent, not enough affordable houses and the job crisis has been the main problem of every  New Yorkers  over the past decade. This is the reason the median and low-income New Yorker became homelessness and it keeps increasing every year. My purpose was  simple, I wanted to show the New York people  throughout this genre what the major reason of  homelessness  and what can be the solution to this homelessness crisis. Most of them don’t even realize that homelessness increasing like sky-rocking and its affecting all of us. In my Annotate Bibliography I research about homelessness in New York City and show what can be the solution of homelessness. My discourse community would benefit a lot, they can see the statistics, problem of homelessness and the solution.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    So residents of NYC who can help make changes but how will you reach them? A NY1 News segement? An AM New York article? Or is there some other genre that reaches many New Yorkers?

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