Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Discussion: “College Students and Social Media”

Use commenting  and freewrite a short response to  “College Students and Social Media.” In your free write, consider the following questions:

What makes this a multimodal document? While this particular piece may be very different from anything you may produce, how does it help you think about the Unit 3: Multimodal Project?


  1. Shannon Forrester

    This makes a multimodal document because it uses two types of communications: spoken text, and images. It uses images to visually describe the dialogues. By looking at this multimodal document, it helps me think about how multimodal can be used for any theme of document like informative or persuasive.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I like that you’re thinking about the purpose of the document.

  2. Vanessa

    This is considered a multimodal project because this piece is sending a message using illustrations, big font, and informative text. I noticed that the student who made this multimodal also incorporated the results of a survey she conducted on the effects of social media. I think this was a great idea for her to use because it represented evidence of students feeling towards social media .This multimodal text was informative and it helped me get an idea on how to layout my own multimodal project. I learned that you are not limited to just using pictures and videos and that the point of a multimodal is to use as much creativity to get you message across to your audience.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Yes. Even the layout and the use of font is part of decisions making process for multimodal compositions.

  3. Hakyung

    It is a multimodal text because it contains texts and illustrations together.
    After seeing this work, I thought it would be a key point for me to identify the characteristics of the reader and to select the type of multimodal text that they would be interested in. It’s a multimodal text targeted at teenagers and uses easy-to-see graphs and pictograms for hand-drawn illustrations that they might be interested in. I think this provides an element that is easy for students to understand and not boring.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This is absolutely right! What you include in order to be persuasive and captivating definitely depends on who your audience is and what you think will appeal to them.

  4. amenah elenani

    “College Students and Social Media” is multimodal document. The author uses two kinds of language; written language and images to give her readers a better understanding of her document. This multimodal document was instructive and gave me a better format to follow when I create my own multimodal project. In my opinion, the multimodal project that we must construct is probably going to be the most congenial project I had to do this semester. It seems fun and upskilling at the same time. It also gives students more room to be imaginative which would help us in implementing an outstanding project.

    • Ruth Garcia

      I do hope you’ll have fun. This is a difficult semester for most and I hope that something in this class will be enjoyable.

  5. Shahnoza

    I think this is a multimodal document because it uses texts with images. The piece grabs the reader’s attention and sends a clearer message to the audience. This document gives me an idea of how a multimodal project should look like. I am excited to be working on a multimodal project because it is so much different than just writing a paper. I think multimodal projects give students a broader imagination and freedom to express themselves however they like instead of following a strict format. Although I am not a creative person, this project would still be fun to work with.

  6. James Paul

    This is a multimodal document because it uses images to help send a clear message to those who read it. Some pictures even included writing in them such as the picture with the iPhone discussing Social media. After reading this I have an idea of what I want to do regarding my topic of Climate change. I love to use my imagination so this should be a fun assignment to work on. I think doing a multimodal helps students to show off their creativity and put it to good use. I hope everyone else is as excited as I am.

  7. Nicholas Adams

    I believe this is a multimodal document because the writers use a combination of texts and images to explain and emphasize their message. In terms of my own assignment, this piece helps me think of what I might create for my multimodal piece because it shows that the drawings don’t have to be too complicated and can be simple enough so that it gets to the point.

  8. Nicholas Adams

    I believe this is a multimodal document because the writers use a combination of texts and images to explain and emphasize their message. In terms of my own assignment, this piece helps me think of what I might create for my multimodal piece because it shows that the drawings don’t have to be too complicated and can be simple enough so that it gets to the point.

  9. Abdulla Hassan

    This consider is a multimodal because graphic novels, comics, and posters. Also she uses a combination of two or more communication modes, for example she use image and spoken text as in film or computer presentations. By looking at this pieces its helps me to think about what Multimodal text should be look like for our upcoming project.

  10. Jayme Campos

    What makes this particular document multimodal is that it has at least 2 modalities of communication, this document uses both images and words to share information. What also makes this document multimodal is the fact that it has a purpose and it’s targeted to a specific audience. The purpose would be to show the effects of social media on college students, and when it came to her audience she was very specific since she did and sent out a survey she focused on a specific age group, this age group was 18-24-year-olds. This example of a multimodal was different from some examples of other multimodal that I have seen so far because 1. it was not a video or audio and 2. it was more than a page, most of the ones I’ve seen have just been one image. This document has been very helpful because I have got a better idea of how I could lay out my information but at the same time use imaging to make my information stand out more and make it more interesting to the reader. 

  11. Daniella Santangelo

    This multimodal presentation by Chelsea Harrison is different because it presents information that encourages the reader to take small bits of information in the form of pictures and text, using expressive graphics that resemble activities students know about and can relate to. By encouraging reflection and deep thought, along with imagery like the iphone screen and the charts, the multi-modal method is effective in creating the images that Harrison wants the reader to have as they are absorbing the information she presents. This helps during my framing of my multi-modal project in that I see how being creative and thinking beyond the obvious can help as I make and support my topic’s thesis.

  12. Guilherme

    “College Students and Social Media” by Chelsea Harrisson is a multimodal presentation because she uses texts and images to present the message. She presents it in a very captivating way and engage her audience with images that are common to them and related to the subject she is talking about. Her work certainly helps me to think about different ways I apply to the complete the Unit 3. I need to figure out how I will come up with the drawings or what style should I be using for my subject.

  13. Beddour ahmed

    “College Students and Social Media.” is a multimodel document because it is a combination of informative text and graphics. This combination makes the document less boring to read and easier to follow. It gave me an idea of how to provide information in different ways and that the images or illustrations used don’t have to be very complicated. The illustrations used are a kind of abstraction of the written text.

  14. Maiya

    This piece is a multi-modal document by i including pictures and various forms of illustrations to get her point across. This piece would help me think about how to make mine by providing me with an example on how i could do mine, and showing the overall flexibility of how it can be made.

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