The research project tough me a lot about annotated bibliography and mental health. the thing i learned that i can use in future papers or research reports is how to write a bibliography. I learned that its the author then the title of the source and then finally the date. Another aspect I improved on was putting only facts into a piece and not showing my opinion until later on in the writing . There where also parts of this research project that I really struggled before. For instance like I said previously I tend to put my opinion in a lot of my writings and this one I did the same thing, but after some revisions it looked a lot better and more factual then before. Another thing I struggled with was narrowing down the details I put into the passage to only reflect the information that was relevant to my research question. What I mean by this is I caught ,myself putting in details that didn’t necessarily have anything to do with the question but seemed to fit well with the general topic so I put them in there. This research project was very helpful in developing my research methods like finding reliable sources, as well as building appropriate details for my paragraphs. I learned a lot from this assignment and cant wait to uses what I’ve learned in future assignments .
Evan–thank you for your reflection! I appreciate your observation that a challenge of research is staying focused and finding information that is not suggest related but that is specific to your question.
Also- The link isn’t working. Can you share a google doc? Add a link here by editing the post–email me if you can’t figure it out