Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions

Due to the coronavirus pandemic creating challenges in our everyday lives, the spread of coronavirus in jails and prisons threatens the health and safety of those incarcerated. Releasing inmates from unsanitary conditions could decrease the rise or prevent the virus which endangers not only inmates but corrections officers and prison health-care workers.

  1. Do people in jail or prison have less access to things we might take for granted in the free world that help prevent the spread of infection such as social distancing?
  2. How is the Coronavirus affecting prisons?  What about health care providers for inmates? How is that working out? Are prisoners getting the disease more? How are the guards doing?  
    1. According the article I read about images being released, the questions I have concerning that is; what’s the story about prisoners being released from some prisons, like Rikers Island, in order to protect them from getting Coronavirus?
    2. How long does it take to decide whether a prisoner can be released?
    3. Which prisoners are being released, or should be released? Only those who are nonviolent?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is a great topic. Come up with a final question and keep going. I might start with How is the Coronavirus affecting prisons? And then narrow down a bit based on what comes up.

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