Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #14: Continue Drafting the Annotations

How does gender inequality affect women in the workplace and how can this be prevented?

Staley, Oliver. “12 Things Employers Can Do to Improve Gender Equality in the Workplace”. June 22, 2016.

This article is addressing that organizations and companies should change their ways of hiring employers and promoting. The author is giving some tips to encourage employers to provide equal opportunities for men and women. Men in administrative positions and senior leadership team are more than women, so he recommends that companies should reconsider the barriers they are putting that prevents women from reaching these positions and reconsider the requirements of management years of experience. Unconscious bias is another problem that employers do not believe is happening at their company, but it does exist. For solving this issue he recommends that managers circulate resumes without names to stop nominating men more than women. The interview process can be different between women and men, as most of the women are asked about the hours they can work and dealing with work and life responsibilities, he states that all applicants should be asked the same questions with the same phrasing. The reason for women not getting promoted is because of the lack of opportunities giving them to prove themselves and neglecting them from important projects, therefore they do not have the same career progress. Women get paid less than men is still an issue, so he is encouraging companies to puta pay range for every position and minimize the pay gap. He is also addressing sexual harassment at the workplace and that managers should take action to prevent this problem.

I agree with most of the article, It is showing the problems and giving simple solutions that should have been normal, like having equal opportunities and giving important projects to women so they can grow in work and be promoted. “Evaluators also shouldn’t confuse commitments at home with a lack of dedication to work.” I do not like that he is showing that only women have life responsibilities outside the workplace and that employers should consider that, what about men? do not they have responsibilities too that may or may not affect their work hours?. Raising a family or having commitments is not for women only. “Too many managers resist criticizing female employees for fear of being accused of bias. But all employees need feedback to grow and improve, and not giving those opportunities to women because of their gender is a form of sexism.” This part caught my attention because somebody may think that he is helping and trying not to be biased, but it turns out he is not helping at all but doing the opposite. Equality should be on everything, the hard and the easy parts.

The author is going directly into the main problems that affect women in the workplace and suggesting some solutions to prevent them. He directs his tips to the employers who I think can solve most of the problems if they want. The article is organized and divided into points. Every point has a few sentences explaining it and giving solutions. It is well organized and an easy source to have an idea about the problems facing in the workplace without too many details and numbers. The audience is the employers that have the power to change things.

“If men are more likely to spend time with senior executives, work on the most important projects or meet the most valuable clients, they’ll be more impressive candidates for promotion. Companies should have processes in place so all employees meet the same standards as they progress through their careers”

William, Geoffrey. ” Gender Equality In The Workplace” Empower Women. November 9, 2016.

Geoffrey is the leader of Thomson Reuters corporation that helps professionals run businesses and provides them with human expertise and technology, in this video he is talking about the steps they took already to combat gender inequality in the workplace and showing the impact of them. The first thing is hiring the best and diverse hiring with ensuring that at least one candidate and one interviewer is female. Giving flexible hours and the option to change shifts, part-time work, and working from home are some options given to help women in the workplace. Helping women manage their talents and make sure they have the networks to manage their own businesses and develop their careers by providing a career sponsorship program, the impact of it is that 71% of the participants have been promoted. Providing leadership programs for women to provide opportunities for learning from senior leaders and develop leadership skills.

As the last source is directed to the employers, I found this video is useful as Geoffrey directs the solutions to the women themselves. To prevent gender inequality, we need to find solutions in many directions and working with different elements of the problem. Presenting at least one female in the interview will help prevent biasing men and will help in giving equal opportunities. Providing women with career and leadership programs may be helpful besides all the solutions in the previous source, which will definitely help to face the problem.

” As an organization with diverse businesses competing in the global marketplace, we need the best ideas and most innovative approaches in order to solve our customers’ problems. By drawing on diverse talent, building an environment focused on performance , and driving innovation through collaboration and inclusion, we will succeed.”


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Some things to work on:
    1. These citations appear to be incomplete. See Purdue OWL for information on how to fix them:
    2. Are these both articles? They appear to be. Are they from the same kind of place/publication. If so, you need to replace one as the assignment requires that each source be of a different genre.
    3. You need to think about whether these are credible sources. To do so google the authors and source of publication, and this will help you decide.
    4. Discuss the genre–see the unit 2 assignment guidelines to see the kinds of things to discuss in relation to this.

  2. Beddour ahmed

    The first one is an article and the second one is a video.

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