Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Discussion: March, Maus, and Persepolis

Use commenting to respond to the following questions on March, Maus, and Persepolis:

  1. Why do you think Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts (graphic novels and film) rather than writing traditional novels or historical essays?
  2. By looking at these samples, can  you predict how reading or watching the entire novel or film might affect the way you understand, feel, react to each author’s subject?


  1. Vanessa

    This form of communication is easier to catch a person’s attention. I believe the writers used multi modal format to have a simpler way of communicating with their audience.
    I believe that by watching a video or reading
    illustrations will have stronger effect because the content has more emotion than plain text. The pain and injustice is portrayed stronger in a picture or video. This type of format has the power to influence an audience to emphasize and understand the writers message.

  2. Shahnoza

    Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts (graphic novels and film) rather than writing traditional novels or historical essays because multimodal texts give a different image to the audience. When you are reading a novel, it is up to the reader’s imagination of how the setting and context is regardless of how descriptive the writer is. When it comes to multimodal texts, they give a powerful image and send a specific message to the audience. Reading the novel or watching the film will help me better understand the setting and how characters felt during that time. It will also give me a significant message of how people used to live during a specific time period. The only thing that disturbed me was watching the trailer. While watching the trailer I realized, the film is biased because they are giving a message of how wearing a hijab is taking away the freedom of muslims. There are many muslims who want to and choose to wear hijab. There are people who feel pure and don’t want to show off their beauty to everyone. I would not be interested in watching the film, however maybe I should watch it because I may have misunderstood just from watching a small trailer.

  3. Hakyung

    I think they used the multimodal text to communicate at a glance because they dealt with fragmentary events. The images and graphic novels they used to show readers the elements that are less descriptive but can move their emotions. I think these have more implications than novels and historical essays, and they are more effective in delivering them to readers at a glance. Unfortunately, I’ve never worked on a multimodal text.

  4. evan

    The multi modal text used in these pieces is very captivating which is why i think the authors picked this type of style to convey there message. If The authors would have picked the traditional style of writing an essay, they could have run into issues of the reader becoming bored or uninterested in the point they are trying to convey. I personally found the graphic novel cought my attention and I read through everything inattentively. The effect this has on people who watch the entire thing or read the entire graphic novel varies. When I watched the trailer for Persepolis i felt the depression the character felt when the world wanted her to be one way , and she wanted to be who she wanted to be . If you watch or read any one of theses pieces till its entirety it allows you to go on the ups and downs with the character. So now you have a bond built with the character and there purpose.

  5. amenah elenani

    Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts (graphic novels and film) rather than writing traditional novels or historical essays because it is an easier, straightforward way of giving your readers or audience the image, message they are trying to send rather than trying to picture it in their minds. For example, when I read a book I always try to picture what I am reading, probably not exactly how the author was trying to make of it however, that is the point of reading a book rather than watching the movie to that book. Moreover, I found the ‘Persepolis Official Tailer (2007) very deranged. This story of growing up during the Islamic revolution had so many misunderstandings to it. The hijab (headscarf) is not a piece of clothing that oppresses Muslim women rather it protects and beautifies them. A woman does not have to be practically naked to be beautiful. This film shows that the little girl was sheltered and not able to do anything, that is more of the Iranian culture NOT the religion (islam). Reading or watching the entire novel or film might affect the way I understand, feel, react to each author’s subject because images send a stronger message and a better understanding. Watching can also give a better understanding since there are emotions, body language, speaking involved. A novel is also good for people that like to leave it up to their imagination. All ways affect the way a person can understand, feel, or react to them.

  6. Nicholas Adams

    I believe Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts over writing traditional novels or historical essays because it’s a lot more straightforward and more efficient. Though this is rather subjective, usually It is easier to understand what is going on if there are images shown. Images can also easily set up the tone of the piece, as seen in the image of “March” that was shown.

    Based on the samples, I believe that reading and/or watching the entire novel or film will positively affect how I understand the film. Especially if correct composition, writing tone, and style is used, the author’s subject can be easily conveyed.

  7. Nicholas Adams

    I believe Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts over writing traditional novels or historical essays because it’s a lot more straightforward and more efficient. Though this is rather subjective, usually It is easier to understand what is going on if there are images shown. Images can also easily set up the tone of the piece, as seen in the image of “March” that was shown.

    Based on the samples, I believe that reading and/or watching the entire novel or film will positively affect how I understand the film. Especially if correct composition, writing tone, and style is used, the author’s subject can be easily conveyed.

  8. Guilherme

    I believe Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decide to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts rather than writing traditional novels and historical essays because the mutlimodal style seems to be more captivating and more efficient in holding the reader’s attention. The multimodal style might be an easier way to get the reader to be engaged with the message. I believe that my understanding with the multimodal style will be more clear and my reaction to the subject might be stronger than while reading a traditional novel or essay.

  9. Guilherme

    I believe Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decide to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts rather than writing traditional novels and historical essays because the mutlimodal style seems to be more captivating and more efficient in holding the reader’s attention. The multimodal style might be an easier way to get the reader to be engaged with the message. I believe that my understanding with the multimodal style will be more clear and my reaction to the subject might be stronger than while reading a traditional novel or essay.

  10. Shannon Forrester

    Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi inform the readers using multimodal texts to illustrate what the readers are reading, visually. Sometimes we read traditional novels or historical essays, we tend to not understand what the writer is talking about, or we lose focus.
    The pictures set the tone or emotion the author is trying to convey. For example, the March graphic novel shows the frustration and sadness of a fellow Black man after hearing Jonathan Daniels being killed at a young age. It also shows no middle ground for Black people even with the Voting Rights Act, because White supremacists will still want to kill us.
    I might have worked on a multimodal text back in Highschool but I don’t remember.

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