Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions

The topic I chose after considering my peers’ ideas, was the importance of mental health awareness.

*Special notes to include in my assignment:

-anxiety related to social media

-Seeking help is important- talk to a proffesional

– importance of self care and doing activities to promote a happier lifestyle

-Mental health problems can be the cause of many factors, for instance: life experiences, genetics, or brain chemistry.


I think that I will be able to write a lot on this topic because it is a special interest for me. I do not know everything there is to know about mental health, but I want to learn what I can from this research assignment. In the 30-minute lapse, I found several articles that spoke in detail about life experience, research, and personal insight. It will be a good experience to learn about this topic for me because I want to apply it in real-life situations, for myself and for those who might need the help also. I think it is also especially important to understand mental health issues now more than ever with social distancing; feeling isolated with yourself at home.

Questions I want to tackle in this assignment:

How does social media affect our brain?

How common is depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction?

What is the Availabilty of proffesional help in our communities?

What can we do to improve our health?

If our problems are temporary, why would it give us such a hard time trying to ?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    In terms of your questions here, I think that your first question is the most focused and even then, if you choose to go with this one, as you research you might find you need to narrow down as you research. I’m not sure.
    The other question would need focusing. For example, How common is depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction in what ? Even then, you might need to pick one thing and not all these effects. Also, “how” may be too specific. Maybe what is the relationship between anxiety and something?

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