Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity #13: Drafting the Annotations”

Harris, Burke ( 2014, September). How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime [ Video File]. Retrieved from

The speaker, Nadine Burke Harris is focusing on childhood trauma and how that effects people into adulthood. The speaker references the CDC and Kaiser Permanente’s findings on the exposure of childhood trauma and the link between death rates in the United States, they found that seven out of 10 deaths in the United States were dramatically increased by childhood trauma. Dr. Burke then references the Adverse childhood study done by Dr. Vince Felitti and Dr. Bob Anda at the CDC. This study collected information on 17,500 adults about their history of what they call “adverse childhood experiences”. If the participant answered yes to having experienced any of the adverse childhood experiences, they would receive a point which ultimately provided every participant with an ACE score. The data of these scores shows the higher the ace score the worse the health outcome for the participant. The data also shows that ACEs are incredibly common, sixty-seven percent of the population has at least one ACE.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    some things to think about:
    1. The citation does not seem to be properly formatted. You can go to this Purdue OWL site to format the citations:
    or go to one of the others listed on the Unit 2 guidelines.
    2. Give the full name of the CDC the first time you use it and then put CDC in parenthesis right after it. After the first time of doing that you can then use CDC every time
    3. Who is Kaiser Permanente?
    4. What is the context for this study? I’m having a hard time understanding what this study set out to find out, why, and then the results. Think about this as you organize the summary.
    5. Where are the other parts of your annotation? This is currently incomplete. You’ll see on the assignment guidelines that you need several parts for each annotation. In addition to a summary you need to have an evaluation, a rhetorical analysis, and quotations. Again, please carefully review the Unit 2 guidelines–all the information is there as is a template.

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