Week 9: Monday, 10/19 – Friday, 10/23 

By end-of-day Monday, 10/19


  • By now you have found a reliable source to help you research your question. Read this source carefully a couple of times and take notes. (Either take notes directly on the article or write down ideas and quotes from the text that you find compelling.)



  • Go to my Discussion Question  about research and respond to this prompt: What library online database are you most likely to use? Can you see yourself using these databases instead of Google? Why or why not?

Micro-Activity #13: Drafting the Annotations

  • Write a post in which you submit the following:
    • Draft your first annotation for the annotated bibliography.
      • See the Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography Guidelines to see all the parts and information you need for each annotation. An annotation is more than the bibliographic information. I am also asking for more than just a summary. So please look at the assignment guidelines carefully. Make sure you scroll through the whole assignment as there is a template for the annotated bibliography in the second half of the guidelines.
  • Continue researching and looking for sources. Find two additional sources for your annotated bibliography. Important: all three sources (the one from the Wed. 10/13 and the two you are looking for now) must be of three distinct genres or media; for example, you may have one poem, one journal article, and one TED Talk, or one newspaper article, one movie review, and one scientific article, etc. There is a list of genres on the assignment guidelines.
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity #13: Drafting the Annotations”
    • Pick the category “Week 9 Work”
By end-of-day Wednesday, 10/21


  • For your last assignment you found two more reliable sources to help you research your question. Review  these sources carefully a couple of times and take notes.
    • Again, remember that your sources must be of three distinct genres or media; for example, you may have one poem, one journal article, and one TED Talk, or one newspaper article, one movie review, and one scientific article, etc. There is a list of possible genres on the assignment guidelines.


Micro-Activity #14: Continue Drafting the Annotations

  • Write a post in which you do the following:
    • Draft the next two annotations for the annotated bibliography.
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity #14: Continue Drafting the Annotations”
    • Pick the category “Week 9 Work”
  • Work on the other parts of your annotated bibliography (you do not need to submit these). Use the Annotated Bibliography Template to draft your annotated bibliography. You can find the template by scrolling down on the Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography Assignment guidelines.
    • Note: if you are unclear as to any part of the assignment, including how to use the template, please come to office hours or make an appointment with me and I will walk through the assignment with you.