Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #12: Researching

My research question for the assignment is “What steps can be taken in order to reverse climate change?” I personally think this is a very important question to research because climate change is something that will affect everyone around the world. There are many reasons why this topic interests me. One of them is that no matter what race you are, where you live, and who you are, climate change is one of those issues where the world has to come together as humans in order to help resolve the issue. I also find it interesting because I am curious if whether the process could even be reversed entirely or not.  It also interests me because it would be interesting to explore what would happen to the earth if climate change cannot be reversed, which is always a possibility. Questions such as  “Would we have to live on an incredibly hot earth? How will that affect society? How would that affect the economy?” There are so many interesting ideas that could be part of the research paper. This is because I feel it is important to also highlight what would happen if climate change cannot be reversed at all. Some answers and responses that I expect to find in my question are that climate change can be reversed by doing our part to protect the environment, such as planting trees, recycling, switching to electric cars, and alternative and green energy sources such as solar and wind. These changes would need to be mandatory, however. If I find something that does not fit my original hypothesis, I would make sure that I got my information from a valid and credible source. If the information turned out to be true, I would have absolutely no problem including it in the research paper. Topics like climate change require definite and correct answers anyway. 

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is great–clear and to the point. The only thing I want to emphasize is that you are not writing a research paper. You are writing an annotated bibliography which is its own genre. You’ll see in the assignment sheet that I link out to sites that explain what an annotated bibliography is and I give a template for what it will look like. That said, you will use this information in your third project.
    Finally, be sure your research all works to help you answer your question. As you say there are a lot of related questions you could pursue, and you can certainly change your question, but be sure that whatever question you choose, the research works to answer it.

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