Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #11: Developing a Research Point

The topic I choose to write about is gender inequality in the workplace. Gender inequality has a lot of forms, inequality in opportunities, rights, education, freedom of expression, and participating in social activities. Women are facing inequality at work in salaries and promotions. Women earn less money than men in the US workforce, some studies show that they are paid 49 cents compared to every 1 dollar men earn. Administrative positions are given more to men than women, and they are more promoted at work as well. For every 100men promoted to the manager level, only 79 women are promoted. Also, 11% only of people who earn more than 100,000 dollars per annum are female employers. It seems like women have to fight for their rights in a lot of different directions.

Questions to search for:

  • Are there are laws and policies to prevent women get underpaid?
  • What are the reasons behind this issue, why are women treated unfairly?
  • What women should do to change all this?
  • How to break the stereotype that women are not as strong as men and that they are too emotional to take an executive position?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I would rewrite your questions as follows to make sure they aren’t too specified:
    How does gender inequality affect women in the work place and how can this be prevented?
    What can companies do to combat gender inequality?

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