Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions


About one billion people around the world, nearly 30% of the entire global workforce, are unemployed in industrialized and developing countries alike, says a new ILO report. Unemployment increased in urban areas in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In sub­-Saharan Africa and many parts of Asia, data on direct unemployment rarely exists, but problems of massive underemployment and poverty persist in these low-income regions. I was alarmed to find out that the rise in youth unemployment and the same disturbing high levels of young people who work but still live in poverty. This goes to show how difficult it will be to reach the global goal to end poverty by 2030 unless the government redoubles the efforts to achieve sustainable economic growth and reasonable work.

How will the high rates of unemployment be fixed globally?

How can the lack of good quality job opportunities provided for ex-cons be changed for the better?

The poor quality of employment continues to affect youth, how can that be changed?

Unemployment rates are only going higher, why is that?

Why aren’t there any economic reforms being done in places where necessary, in order to achieve some sort of stability and begin generating a “environment conducive to high savings and investment and the efficient allocation of resources” in order to permit developing countries to “benefit fully from expanding trade and investment flows in the global economy.”

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    These are good. I would rewrite for clarity like this:
    How can nations work to reduce the global unemployment rate? (though you might do better to focus on one country).
    What strategies and programs can a state use to help ex-cons successfully join the work force?
    How can we as a country work to alleviate the unemployment rates affecting the generation entering the workforce?
    As for the questions about rising unemployment–I worry that will simply get you the answer of “because of covid-19).

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