Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #10: Brainingstorming Research Topics

Issues i wouldn’t mind researching are:

  1. The influence of the play Angels in America by Tony Kushner on the LGBT struggle, and its themes. This topic is of interest to me because this is one of my favorite plays and it is seen trough so many different lenses.
  2. The COVID-19 Vaccine development and its issues. This topic interests me because the vaccine was said to be completed by next year October, but they have already come up with some prototypes. I feel as though they are rushing this process which could worsen the pandemic, as opposed to finding more functional safety precautions.
  3. The Prison Industrial Complex. I am interested in this topic because it is an ongoing issue to this day, and there has been so many theories and experiment surrounding this idea.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    These are great topics but now you need to narrow down–before even coming up with a question. For example what do you want to know about the prison industrial complex? I also wonder if your question about Angel’s in America is too specific.

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