The purpose of the first section is explaining that at some point when people are taking the decision to abolish a government or any political band, they should announce the causes and reasons that forced them to do this separation. Those reasons will be stated in the next sections.

Second section: Life, liberty, and equality are human rights that are axiomatic to be obtained. Governments are established to maintain and provide these rights to the people. Otherwise, if the government is not giving people the basic rights in addition to repetitive abuse, despotism, and usurpation, then it is their duty to get rid of these government. The purpose of this section is a call to action.

Third section: Presenting some facts related to the king of Great Britain’s iniquity to prove the usurpations occurred to the colonies. It is an argumentative strategy to persuade the audiences, how it was unacceptable to stay silent and not to take any action against this tyranny.

Fourth and fifth sections: They had tried other ways to stop the iniquity and injustice, but they were all worthless. They also warned the English people of the usurpation of authority and tyranny happening to them, but no one listened. That was enough to force them for the separation from the British.

Sixth section: After presenting the reasons why they want independence from the State of Great Britain and summing up the events and facts they were living in. In this section, they are asking for their freedom and independence from Britain and that as independent states they have the right to do whatever any independent state may do freely.

The document is very persuasive as it started by explaining why people would revolutionize over a government in general and then explaining specifically the reasons behind the declaration of the thirteen United States of America.

  “first comes rights, then comes government.”  According to this view: (1) the rights of individuals do not originate with any government, but preexist its formation;  (2) The protection of these rights is the first duty of government”

This claim caught my attention as it is related to the past, present and future. It will always be an important issue in the society. It does not only related to America, it is related to all the countries and governments in the world. Humans have already gotten their unalienable rights before any government was established and they have to just secure those rights and provide much more.