Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #10: Brainstorming Research Topics

As a college student there are many issues that I feel passionately about in today’s time and era. These issues are currently happening globally. Violence, lack of education, unemployment, racism, government corruption, etc. With so many current global issues that need immediate attention, it is very easy to just give up on them. However, with the amount of organizations being built right now and people joining a cause to help the world great progress and success can happen. One of the major global issues I feel strongly about is government corruption. You would think that a government should help build, strengthen, and improve their country in many ways rather they are damaging their nation. With a corrupt government comes major problems such as poverty which is affecting the poor the most. With a corrupt government comes lack of safety and the well-being of the citizens. A corrupt government introduces undernourishment and hunger. There are 795 million people currently who do not have enough to eat. To have a permanent success to ending world hunger, poverty must end. With a corrupt government comes unemployment particularly the youth, people trying to put food on their table for their families. This happens from the lack of needed resources such as food, clothing, transportation and having a stable financial way of living. With a corrupt government comes corrupt people, violence is at an all-time high right now from targeting a certain group, minorities specifically to sexual harassment, murders, robberies, etc. In order to fix all these issues, a well-organized, strong government must be formed.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I would recommend coming up with a short list of issues caused by corrupt government–you start that above and then focus on that list when developing questions. For example, you might want to look at the issue of hunger in America–or maybe a particular part of America and then narrow down from there. What are questions you have about that?

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