In “Declaration of Independence: A Transcription,” the American congressmen wrote this declaration of independence is to break up the relationship with Great Britain because they did not receive equal human rights from them, and they were going to explain that. Second, they believed the god gave them these “unalienable rights”. They explained all men should have their life, freedoms, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, they had to overturn these unfair things and build a new government since the king of Great Britain did so much harm to them. Third, they listed bunches of good reasons to criticize and proved the king of Great Britain was a tyranny. The king did not care about the colonists. He only cared about what benefits him. Fourth, they explained that they had tried to discuss these issues with him. They wanted independence from him, but the King never accepted their opinion or ideas. Lastly, they decided to have a war with them, so they could start a new nation and form their own rules that everyone should deserve equal rights in their own country. I think this document is persuasive in my view because they explained everything clear and detailed with purposes and reasons why they made such a decision. 

In the article, “The Declaration of Independence annotated”, Randy Barnett states one of the declaration’s claim, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This claim makes me feel related to current issues in the United States. For example, the past months of the issue is BLM protesting. Inequality issues keep happening in America. Not only happens in America, but this also happens everywhere. The issue can be big and small. Even though the declaration of independence states that everyone should be equal, this seems impossible. This is because many people carry their prejudice to evaluate others. This includes their backgrounds, appearance, and ethnicity. As a result, I consider these to be an ongoing issue in society.