Week 7: Monday, 10/5 – Friday, 10/9

Note: Unit 1 will take me time to grade but I will get grades to you in the next week.  I will email the class and let you know when these are posted and where–most likely I will put them in your reflection post in a private comment/grade box.

By end-of-day Monday, 10/5



Micro-Activity #10: Brainstorming Research Topics

  • Write a post in which you respond to the following:
    • The individuals that composed and signed The Declaration of Independence were willing to lose everything and be tried as traitors to their country. Think about issues that you feel passionately about? These issues may relate to the readings we’ve done so far, but they don’t have to. Really think about a cause or problem– local, national, global– that you feel strongly about and want to know more about. Brainstorm a list. Note: you will use this list to help you get started on the Unit 2 Assignment: Annotated Bibliography.
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity #10: Brainstorming Research Topics”
    • Pick the category “Week 7 Work”
By end-of-day Wednesday, 10/7



Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions

  • Look at the topics you and your peers have generated through brainstorming. Choose two that you think are the most interesting (from either your list or your classmates’ lists). Set a timer and spend 30 minutes googling the two topics you’ve selected, and bookmark articles or copy links that look interesting. Take notes on key ideas and questions related to both topics. At the end of the 30 minutes, decide on one of the topics to use for Unit 2 Assignment: Annotated Bibliography.
  • Write a post in which you do the following for Micro-Activity #11:
    • List the topic you have decided to use for the Annotated Bibliography
    • Type up the notes you’ve taken while doing research (if you’d rather submit a picture of handwritten notes, that is also fine).
    • Write a short paragraph summarizing what you learned.
    • Write up four questions you still have about your topic: these should not be “yes or no” questions, but rather questions you would use if you were writing a longer research paper.
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity #11: Developing Research Questions”
    • Pick the category “Week 7 Work”