Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #9: Analyzing the Declaration of Independence

The reason for the Declaration of Independence was to reach King George the third, the colonists, and to the world. The goal was to gather troops, win foreign allies, and to announce a new country’s creation. The structure is made up of five parts: the Preamble, the Statement of Human Rights, Charges against Human Rights, Charges Against the King and Parliament, and lastly, the Statement of Separation and Signatures. The declaration was written for a call to action. The Preamble wanted colonies to disband their political bands with England and reform itself as an independent nation. The Statement of Human Rights lists truths to be self-evident and every human is created equally, with rights that should be granted. The Charges against Human Rights explains the long-past history of abuses that caused new government for people. The Charges Against the King and Parliament identified errors and injustice of the actions of the King and his legislature towards the colonies. Finally, the Statement of Separation and Signatures announced the Declaration of Independence for colonies to be free and independent states.

The document is persuasive in my view because, in the preamble, it was meant to inspire and unify the American citizens for a better life, with the help of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. The resolution of independence was given with a solution of revolution in the early 1770s.

“The Declaration also assumes increasing importance in the struggle to abolish slavery… inconsistency with that institution.” I agree with this claim as I relate to today’s issues with the abolishment of white supremacist groups and how they get away with such violence and discrimination. Just last night during the Presidental debate, Trump was asked if he is willing to denounce the white supremacy group, Proud Boys, which of course he refused and told them to “stand back and stand by.”  This goes head to head because when the abolishment of slavery came about, white Southerners wanted “Redemption,” in other words, to regain white supremacy and remove all rights for Black people, instead of Reconstruction. They used racial violence and racist cults to push the propaganda. Proud Boys uses the same antics and the supposed leader of America is in full support.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I appreciate your connection between the values in the Declaration and the discrepancies that existed then and continue now. But I especially like the way you give a specific example from both history and the current moment.

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