Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Discussion: Unit 2 (Annotated Bibliography) Guidelines

Read the Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography guidelines and comment on it below. For example, have you ever written an annotated bibliography before? If not, have you done research for another class? What is some advice you might give to peers who have never done this kind of work? In addition, you may use this opportunity to ask practical questions about the assignment itself (re: deadlines, formatting, etc.). (approx. 100 words)


  1. evan

    i personally have written a annotated bibliography but it was a very long time ago when i was in middle school. To be honest with you ever since I was in high school i have used sites like cite night and easy bib so I really don’t have a ton of experience writing a bibliography. If it is possible for us to receive an outline of exactly what is asked of us that would probably be beneficial to all of us. the only advice i have if someone has never done a bibliography is make sure where your getting your info from is a reliable site also pay attention to the author and date it was written

    • Ruth Garcia

      Make sure read through the entire assignment guidelines. You will see that in the second half I have provided a template for exactly what I am asking you to include in your annotated bibliography.

  2. Shannon Forrester

    I have written annotated bibliographies in Highschool and College. Some advice I would give my peers is to make sure your source is reliable. From what I remember, “.gov” and “.edu” are relatively good sites to get reliable information from and will usually provide statistics. When finding sources, make sure it is not too bias and have too many opinions. I also advise to include the author’s name, year of publication, title of the article or book. Lastly, summarize the author’s ideas in your own words, with the help of writing templates.

    • Ruth Garcia

      yes. These are all parts of the annotated bibliography. Be sure to look at the assignment all the way through as I provide a template for the different parts I want you to include in this assignment.

  3. amenah elenani

    I have written annotated bibliographies in high school, approximately three times throughout my three years of high school. However, I do believe that the cites I was using were not as reliable as it should be. My advice to those that never wrote an annotated bibliography is to make sure your citations are reliable, make sure to be organized (brainstorm your ideas and points beforehand) and make sure you really go in depth in your research question. Moreover, It is much easier when researching a question that you are actually interested in for better results and so that you do not get tired or agitated quickly.

    • Ruth Garcia

      You are exactly right when you say, “Moreover, It is much easier when researching a question that you are actually interested in for better results and so that you do not get tired or agitated quickly.” This is why you are developing your own research topics and questions.

  4. Shahnoza

    I don’t think I have ever written annotated bibliographies, but when I read through the assignment, it was really organized and clear on what is expected of me. I have written many research papers and I don’t think my sources were reliable. when it came to citing my sources, I have always used websites such as easy bib to help me cite correctly. once thing that I wanted to know is that, what if some information for citation is missing. for instance, what if there is not author, or what if there are several authors. how would we cite it?

  5. Ruth Garcia

    If the information is missing, you put in what you have. And it is the author the is missing, then. you alphabetize using the title.

  6. Jayme Campos

    Since my high school was IB there was a lot of research based essays. Towards my junior year and senior year most of the essay ‘s involved an annotated bibliography, in my senior year I had to write a 4,000-word extended essay which included an annotated biography along with a research question. Some advice I would give my peers is to create a separate doc and make a list of your sources, go over your list and decide which sources are the most reliable, primary sources are good, so keep that in mind when going over your list. Another piece of advice I would give my peers is to use google scholar and definitely use the online city tech library, I personally like using JSTOR. I don’t have any questions at the moment, I think I understand what the goal is for unit 2, and I already have an idea of what topic I am choosing.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Great. You’re clearly ready to do this work and have great advice for your classmates.

  7. Vanessa

    In the past I have done some essays that required me to do some research and site my sources. Although , I am not sure if it was an annotated bibliography what I wrote. Reading through out the unit guideline it seems like I need a lot of supporting evidence for this paper. I am a little nervous on deciding what the question for my bibliography will be since that will be what my research is based on. I feel like I am going to have a hard time choosing a topic of interest..

    • Ruth Garcia

      I want to really stress that this is not a paper. Take a look at the link in the guidelines and at the template. You will see that what you are producing is a bibliography with other information in it and not a traditional paper.

  8. Hakyung

    I’ve never written an annotated bibliography. I am working on my very first research paper in another class, but I am still thinking about how to move forward and looking for data. It’s my first-time work on an annotated bibliography, so I’ll refer to the peer’s advice. Reading the comments, I think it’s important to choose a topic that I’m interested in. I will search a lot about the social problems that arise today and choose my interesting topics there. It is true that American society’s problems are not yet familiar to me and are not easy.

    • Ruth Garcia

      This might be a good way to learn about social issues in American society. Definitely pick something you’re interested in.

  9. Maiya

    In the past, mostly senior year i wrote annotated bibliographies for my AP classes. The sites we used had to be credible and provide us with enough information about the topic. some advice i would give my peers is to choose something that you find interesting; many of the articles you will come across can be very long, choosing something you find engaging will make it easier.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Yes. But also notice that I’m asking you to find a variety of sources and not just articles.

  10. Abdulla Hassan

    Since I was in high school, I had an assignment like this in my government class. Annotated Bibliography was quite difficult for me. The format for an annotated bibliography is similar to that of a research paper. You have to read all of the article for your annotated bibliography before you can even decided this. The more you learned or discovered something new, the more useful the articles is.

    • Ruth Garcia

      Good point, you want to find a lot of sources before you pick the ones you’ll use in the annotated bibliography.

  11. Kathy

    I have done an annotated bibliography in my English 1101, which was last semester. When writing an annotated bibliography, you have to find a topic that you are interested in or some knowledge that you have already known. Then, you have to research a reliable source like newspapers, magazines, library articles, or interviews. Next, you have to summarize how the author uses the ideas to support his/ her arguments. Lastly, you have to put the citation before your summary. This way, it is easier to do your research paper because you can look back at the main points in your annotated bibliography.

  12. Beddour ahmed

    I have never written an annotated bibliography but I did a research paper in a previous english class. The assignment outline is very organized and informative, I think I have now a good idea about the outline and how to organize my paper. It will be a long process to find sources, read them and choose what is really important and useful, so it has to be a topic that I really intersested otherwise I will get bored.

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