Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Title it “Micro-Activity # 7: Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas”

I will chose Wollstonecraft’s letter as my model because her letter have connected to my argument because she talks about inequality and discrimination among a certain race/gender. Being a muslim and black man, in this country we have to lot of struggle and hardship. After 9/11 everyone seemed to have an opinion on Islam and  Muslim. Although, it was still mostly stereotypes the view of Arabs and Muslims had definitely changed.  All men were terrorists even if they had been born and raised here.  In this letter I will provides that issue how black and muslim being treated in Africa since century .

I am not targeting any specific audience I’m trying to speak to but I can speak to many groups of people.

In conclusion, I feel, solving the problem of racism must include: identifying what racism is, exposing it and discussing it, come to terms with organized religion, the school system and mass Media. In addition, I feel, there needs to nation-wide (or even Worldwide) message of peace and Love. We’ve all been miseducated and misled and it’s time to turn things around. Change the Belief, Change the Behavior.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Abdulla — this is a good focus but you must pick and audience. Audience affects what information you give and how because not everyone sees or things the same or coming in with the same amount of information. Once you know your audience you can think about what facts, emotional appeal, and ways of rationalizing will be most persuasive to help them understand the problem. Also, you need a specific issue that emerges from the racism towards Black Muslim men to better frame an argument and offer a solution. What are some issues this Discourse Community (Black Muslim Men) encounter?

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