Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity # 7: Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas”

The model that I am using to help me with the assignment is a speech. This specific genre I feel will help me make my argument because it’s just a more effective way to convey a message. When Douglass was making a speech, he catered his speech in such a way where it was broad and can apply to anyone who is listening, whether they were in the audience or hearing or reading it from a different source. I feel like with a letter, it wouldn’t be an effective medium to get a point across to multiple people.

Some of the key elements to my speech would be getting the audience’s attention somehow. The best way to go about something like this is to have the audience members think about something they’ve done. In this case, I would ask the audience a question, such as “How many of you take animation students seriously?” or “How many of you view an animator as serious work?”  something along those lines. Another key element I would use would be informing the audience in a non-condescending manner the issues that people of the animation community face, and that their job is respectable just as any other job.My final element would be a call to action. I would politely yet sternly tell the audience to take animation seriously, as it’s a respectable job and is worthy of being seen as such. 

My target audience for this speech would be people who don’t understand the amount of work it takes to be in the animation community, a community full of nothing but passion. This group of people may think that I am different and more knowledgeable on the subject because I would at the very least attempt to educate them on the intricacies of the community, while at the same time acknowledging common misconceptions as well as answering common questions.

The outline of my speech is as follows: My introduction would be acknowledging that people don’t take the animation community seriously, despite the fact that it’s a very important medium, especially in marketing and advertising. Some of my talking points after the introduction would include the types of people in the animation community, standing out and getting known in the animation community, the hurdles and the hard decisions that are involved in the animation community, and finally, the sacrifices that need to be made in order to get a chance in the animation industry.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Nicholas–I like the idea of starting with the questions you mention above. And you have a clear goal. But I would want to push you to think about why it is important to have animators taken seriously? Who do you need to take this community seriously and why? This will help you fine tune your audience which will help you write a more focused speech.

    • Nicholas Adams

      Thank you, professor.

      So the topic for my assignment is fine? I just wanted to know whether a discourse community had to be an oppressed group or just a community of people who communicate?

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