I believe Wollstonecraft wrote this letter to show how women deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect as men and are regarded as equals in terms of intelligence and dignity. She wants the recipient of this letter to rethink his views on women. The discourse community that I believe Wollstonecraft is a part of is women’s equal rights in France. The recipient of this letter is not at all part of this discourse community.

Quote 1: “Fighting for the rights of women, my main argument is built on this simple principle: If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge, because truth must be common to all; if it isn’t it won’t be able to influence how people in general behave. And how can woman be expected to cooperate if she doesn’t know why she ought to be virtuous?” (Wollstonecraft 2)

Writing Strategy: Logos

Wollstonecraft uses logic and reasoning to make the reader question their stance on women being regarded as men’s equal. By asking the reader questions, she is forcing them to try to come up with a reasonable answer, however, she has already debunked those answers leaving the reader stumped.

Quote 2: “Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir, for you seemed to have a glimpse of this truth when you said that ‘to see one half of the human race excluded by the other half from all participation of government is a political phenomenon that can’t possibly be explained according to abstract principles’. If that is so, what does your constitution rest on?” (Wollstonecraft 2)

Writing Strategy: Argumentative

Wollstonecraft effectively counter argues a point made by the recipient of this letter. She is using the recipients own quote and debunking it while also using it to support her argument. She uses their own quote against them by making the recipient question their reality.