Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity # 3:Brainstorming Discourse Communities”

From the discourse communities I belong to I decided to discuss the problems relating to my work. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the service industry has been affected by so many different problems that the future of the industry seems bleak in New York City. I have been working in Michelin-Starred Fine Dining restaurants and these kind of establishments have been one the most affected by the measures implemented by the government to avoid the spread of COVID19. 

One problem with this discourse community is that since March this year, restaurants in New York City are not able to operate with indoor dining. Indoor dining is a vital part for Fine Dining restaurants to generate revenue and remain open. Although this is a necessary measure there are many other issues and problems arising for the industry. For instance, once indoor dining returns the possibility of contracting the virus will be a deterrent for guests to return to restaurants. A lack of guests will result in loss of revenue as well as lost wages for the employees since the majority of their compensation comes from tipping. Many restaurants cannot guarantee to hire back their employees once indoor dining returns. 

Another problem I would like to mention is the denial of a bailout for the restaurant industry by the White House. The consequences will be felt all across the industry and all over the U.S. Restaurant closures are at an all time high for the city and that means a massive unemployment rate for the service industry workers. And the consequences for the economy will be drastic. Many sucessful and established chefs across New York City and the U.S have come together to find and fight for a solution for the restaurant industry.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Excellent! You know your DC and your problems. They are good and specific. Will your audience be an elected official? And if so, who or at what level– The city? The state? The nation?

    • Guilherme

      Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I am planning to reach an elected official. Chuck Schumer is someone I would like to be my audience but this might change once I get deeper into my research. Even though the problem is accentuated in New York City I believe it would effective to reach someone at the national level since the problems are affecting the whole industry across the United States.

  2. evan

    this post is very insightful on how the restaurant industry is struggling through the pandemic . have you thought about maybe exploring how it affects the workers as well

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