Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #3: Brainstorming Discourse Communities

One of the discourse communities that I am a part of that has some issues is the family business. Conflict is bound to happen in any family occupation especially that most of us are strong-willed so we want certain things our way. Family businesses bring up many challenges. Another issue we face is that there isn’t succession planning because we think that multiple shareholders will be in place forever. However, that is not being changed but it can get challenging based on whose more creative, smarter and can hold a leading position. We always try and remember the purpose to why we are a part of this discourse community. Moreover, we figure out what problems are brewing in the family, resolve it and that plays a big role to helping us focus on our work. Also, thinking about our strengths and weaknesses help us in sustaining our businesses long term. It is vital for us to always retain that each one’s decision is respected and agreed upon all of us so that it does not cause selfishness and disputes.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Who would your audience be? Your family who is failing to hear your concerns? What sources can you turn to for information about issues and concerns in a family business? What type of business is it? Is it something that is always or mostly a family business? These are just some things to think about so you can move forward with your assignment.

  2. Jayme Campos

    Being able to have a family business is such a milestone but I do see where some conflicts could be created. I think maybe your audience should be for people who may want to start a family business because although this discourse community is very close to you you may want to have different perspectives. I like how you included the issues but I would want to see what kind of solution’s can be made for those issues where both sides can agree.

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