Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 2: Introduction to Discourse Communities

Quote 1:

“Fine, but we now need to emphasize the roles of new digital channels, such as emails, blogs, tweets, etc., and we also need to stress that without any means of intercommunication of any kind, there is no real community.”

Response: I found this quote compelling because it relates to todays world, where private moments of vulnerability aren’t allowed anymore without people seeking attention throughout everything they do on social media. We often use social media to communicate with our family and friends or even meet new people. However it’s so many new and upgraded technology products made everyday that makes technology the new norm. It’s also such a faster and easier way of communicating.

Quote 2:

“In addition, discourse communities both influence and are influenced by the larger communities within which they are situated.”

Response: I found this quote a little confusing because throughout the article I haven’t found anything to back up my question on wether does discourse communities have disadvantages.

  1. Concerts is a discourse community in which I participate in, I can communicate with friends and meet new people through the same interest of music. The values are enjoying the arts of music.
  2. My Job which is a solution center(customer service) in a supermarket is another discourse community I participate in. I communicate constantly with customers to ensure that their problems are solved. My job helped build my patience towards customers with their needs and concerns and also builds my communication skills because I respond to customers inquiries and interact with different people everyday.
  3. School is another discourse community I participate in.  The values are to get a better education so that in the future I can get the professional job that I desire. For example, remote learning has a whole new way of communicating. Now I either can use zoom meetings for office hours, e-mails, and blackboard.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    So I don’t know if there are disadvantages to being a DC but I imagine there must be depending on the DC. As for your examples, I would say that its not so much concerts that are your DC as if you are a fan of a particular kind of music then you probably are part of a DC and that DC meets at the concerts–certainly many kinds of music promote values, dress, language that those that follow the music adapt. And as for school, I think you can be more specific by thinking about major or clubs, or types of students (ie. international students).

    • Amia

      I will be more specific next time.

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