Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 2: Introduction to Discourse Communities

Quote #1: Fine, but we now need to emphasize the roles of new digital channels, such as emails, blogs, tweets, etc., and we also need to stress that without any means of intercommunication of any kind, there is no real community.

Response: This quote relates to the world that we have right now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the world had to go indoors for quite a while. Moving forward we couldn’t go visit family and friends, school was turned into online learning. Which then we all had to communicate with email, texting, social media, etc. This then becomes a community where we all talk to each other online. As time goes by, new technology is being created to make this type of communication much easier to do.

Quote #2: Thus, members of a DC may have different first languages, different religions, and belong to diverse ethnicities.

Response: I believe this quote is telling us no matter where we come from, we can always create a community where we can all be together as friends. A good example will be as us students, we always meet new people that come from different counties who each have their own religions. But in the end of the day as we talk with one another more we become friends, then a mini community forms when a group of friends occurs.


Three Discourse Communities:

  1. My first discourage community will be the one that I have with some online friends to communicate while playing online multiplayer games. As a team we communicate with one another to get the chance of winning the game. Sure it doesn’t always happens but that’s a natural thing to happen.
  2. My second discourage community will be the the current one that all of us students have for distance learning. We communicate with the professor or other students with video calls, text messages or emails.
  3. My third discourage community will be the community would be with my family, I only live with my dad but I do have a group of people who I consider as my family. They may not be blood related but they still treat me as one of their own and the communication is much better than what I have with my actual family.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    I think the second quote you pick is trying to show that the things that define a DC can go beyond language, etc. Also, email and other technology are not a DC but DCs are using these technologies to stay connected and organize and communicate and even recruit.

    Yes, I guess what makes a non-traditional group a family–and your groups agreement that these things make you all family–is a a DC. This may not be your best choice for the Unit 1 assignment though becasue you’ll have to find a problem to present to an outsider. It may work. I’m not sure.
    I would encourage you to think more about your gaming community. Are all gaming communities the same? Does each game have its own DC? I don’t know–I’m asking you to consider these possibilities. Or maybe its the mode of playing or something about features of the game that will help you specify your community a bit more.
    Like wise, students needs to be more specific.

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