Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity # 2: Introduction to Discourse Communities”

Quote Response
“Indeed, many types of discourse communities develop shorthand expressions, such as abbreviations and acronyms, to aid speed of communication. Members of such groups can be of different nationalities, ages, and occupations, and can differ quite considerably in their economic circumstances and educational backgrounds. They come together because of a focus on their hobby or recreational preference.”In the global age, I think the nationality, age, occupation, and language of members of the discourse community are not important factors. In my case, I am taking a class in the United States as an international student, I am just one of a student who applied for the class and a member of the same academic goal. The important thing is that members share expertise within one community using the same genre and their specific communications, and other factors may or may not matter.
“Fine, but we now need to emphasize the roles of new digital channels, such as emails, blogs, tweets, etc., and we also need to stress that without any means of intercommunication of any kind, there is no real community.”I think it is the most important factor in the discourse community in recent years. Everything is becoming digital and increasingly advanced means of communication are being created. In any country or any time, members can communicate with each other and share more than that.

Discourse Communities I participate in 

  • Swimming Club: The value of this group lies in improving the members’ physical strength and swimming skills. We use and communicate various terms such as freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, equilibrium, rain, and breathing, etc. We communicate during class and use the Messenger application during other times.
  • Church: Church gatherings have common goals and values, such as spreading the faith and sharing words. Its communication is through worship, praise, video chat, and messenger, for example, in face-to-face meetings.
  • Instagram: Instagram has a goal of communicating with many people and organizations, including family members and friends, and getting the information they want. As a way to communicate, I can post photos, send direct messages, post a story, and press like to others’ posts.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Nice work–I like your grid too. The only comment I have is about Instagram–I think it might be useful to thing about the fact that different DCs appear on and use Instagram and not that Instagram is necessarily a DC.

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