Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #1: Introductions

When reading over this semesters syllabus a couple of things that stood out to me were how we are being graded, most of our grade is coming from the 3 units. Another thing that stood out to me is what our learning outcome is, I like how we get a brief description and then it goes into detail just in case we had any questions, and the final thing that stood out to me is how we are not going to be using a textbook and how most of our resources our either going to be given to us or we could gain access from the library. I wasn’t left any questions (for now) I feel like the syllabus was pretty straight forward and I understood what I have to do for this course.

1 Comment

  1. Shahnoza

    I also liked the fact that we don’t have to buy an expensive textbook

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