Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - OL78 | Fall 2020

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class.  In your comment, write a paragraph (approx. 100-150 words) where you discuss any questions or concerns you have about taking an online writing class. You can mention anything that confuses or worries you. You may also discuss positive aspects (either that you’ve experienced or that you foresee) about online learning. 

In addition to reflecting on online learning, if you wish, you may discuss your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Before next class, please  come back and read the comments. 

Get to know your classmates! Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Think of your comments as a conversation with the other student: in other words, if you were in the classroom with this person how would you respond to their questions, confusion, expectations etc. about taking an online course. You could also think about: do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind. 



  1. Amenah Elenani

    Hello Professor Ruth Garcia and fellow classmates. My name is Amenah Elenani. This is my first time taking an online writing course which I am excited for. Although, I feel that their might be a lot of work in this class, I am confident that I will go through it smoothly. Will the grades be uploaded onto blackboard? After I finish an assignment, am I allowed to keep moving on to the following ones or only when you say so?
    I enjoy reading non fiction, suspense, autobiographies, poetry, memoirs, and crime fiction. I also enjoy watching action, comedy, horror, and thrillers.

    • Jayme Campos

      I really enjoy suspense and horror as well! what would be one of your favorite horror films?

      • amenah elenani

        I’m more into thrillers than horror, I enjoy the types that possibly could happen in real life not possessed dolls,ghosts,etc. One of my favorite horror films is Hush, it’s just filled with immense suspense which makes the film great. What are some of your favorite horror films? What type of horror do you enjoy the most?

  2. zack

    Hello everyone, my name is Zakareia Masboob, but most people call me Zack. I have taken some online classes before, but they were mostly on blackboard, so it will be interesting to see how openlab works with online classes. Also, with online classes, I think the communication with the student and the teacher are lost because whenever the student has a question, they are just going to have to email the professor consistently. That is why I think it is a good idea that professors are using zoom for appointments; it helps the students a lot more with any questions they have.
    My major is entertainment technology. I chose this major because it always interested me on what was going on behind the scenes of a movie, television show, or even a stage play. It is a hands-on major, and I enjoy it a lot.

    • amenah elenani

      I definitely agree, I think seeing and interacting with the professor would definitely be a big help with understanding the material better and getting questions that may be asked answered quicker.

    • Shahnoza

      Hello. I agree with you. Communicating with teacher and keeping up with all the assignment due dates are really difficult. I wish professors made the process more easier by having all the assignments in one place instead of jumping from page to page trying to find out what and where we have to submit the assignment.

    • Jayme Campos

      Last semester I didn’t use openlab since most of my professors used blackboard so I do agree that it’s going to be interesting using openlab I also want to see how it’s going to work with online classes since we are now mostly on our own even though the professor is going to provide us with the material, definitely won’t be the same as face to face classes.

    • Kathy

      Hi Zack, I agree with you “I think the communication with the student and the teacher are lost… “It seems more difficult when we only can choose distance learning this semester. By the way, I think your major picked entertainment technology as your major is pretty cool and seems fun!

  3. Maiya

    Hi everyone, my name is Maiya George. This is my first semester to have all my classes online, i am excited for it being that it does remove my extensive commute time. Though it may be difficult being that i am used to a classroom setting, but with enough effort it should work smoothly. A question i have is, will we be using Blackboard for any assignments or is it solely openlab?
    My major is Applied chemistry. i enjoy reading, listening to music, and watching anime. 🙂

    • James Paul

      Hey Maiya, I also enjoy watching anime it’s good to see that there’s another Anime watcher in here. My favorite Anime is My Hero Academia. What’s your’s?

      • Ajoy dey (jay)

        Same here I love anime too and black clover is my favorite

      • Maiya

        Hey, nice to meet you guys! i just recently started my hero academia its great. my favorite is Tokyo goul.

      • Omar

        A couple of friends recommended me to watch One Piece but since the show almost has 1k episodes. I’m not sure if it’s worth it, but if any of you guys have watched it I’ll like to hear your opinion on the show.

    • Vanessa

      Hi Maiya is nice to meet you, I also love anime. I just finished watching Death Note and Demon Slayer.

  4. Vanessa

    Hello everyone my name is Vanessa. I am a transfer student from Bronx Community College. I have an Associate degree in Radiologic sciences that I obtained in 2015. I have not been in school since I graduated and I have now finally decided to go back to earn my Bachelors Degree. This is my first semester back and I am excited to start. This is also the first online class I have ever taken and I am looking forward to it. I like the fact that I can work and not have to go to school in person after a long day. I have two Degrees that I am still indecisive about selecting. My first option is finishing my Bachelors in Radiologic Sciences and my other alternative is Health Care Administration . There are cons and pros between the two and I am still carefully deciding on which to choose. On a high note I hope this will be a smooth and quick semester for all of us.

    • Jayme Campos

      Hey Vanessa I’m definitely interested in radiology as well, may I ask how your experience has been so far with this career option? I also agree with the being able to do work from home for some reason for me it totally works.

      • Vanessa

        I really love what I do, is a career that is very in demand, especially now. There are different options you can specialize in if you don’t want to stay in x-rays for example MRI, CAT Scan, Mammography and etc. Let me know if you have more questions I can definitely help you out!

    • Hakyung

      Hi Vanessa, Same as me! I am a transfer student too. I’m from BMCC. This is my first semester in CityTech.

      • Vanessa

        That’s awesome!, did you enroll right after graduation or did you take a break?

        • Hakyung

          I enrolled right after my last spring semester at BMCC!

    • evan

      hi Vanessa I also have a degree in radiologic science

    • evan

      hi Vanessa I also have a degree in radiologic science

      • Vanessa

        Hi Evan nice to meet you! What school did you go to? I graduated in 2015.

      • Vanessa

        Hi Evan nice to meet you! What school did you go to? I graduated in 2015.

    • Shannon Forrester

      Hey Vanessa, I’m glad you’re going back to school to get your Bachelor’s. I will be getting my degree in Radiology.

  5. ajoy dey(jay)

    Hello everyone, my name is Ajoy Dey(jay). This my first time taking a class in openlab but I took an online class in during last semester in blackboard. So this sone that is new at the same time it’s not that new. I don’t know if it makes sense but I will give my all to bring out theworks that i do at best. I think that as long as the topics are interesting to work with then this class will smoothly. One question that I have is that are we going to use ZOOM or blackboard for ths class ?
    My major is computer information systems and I love to read comics, watch anime and hang out with friends.

    • Kathy

      Hi Ajoy Dey (Jay), I’m also major in CIS. I didn’t have anyone that has the same major last semester, so it’s happy to see that.

      • ajoy dey(jay)

        That’s great let me know if you need to know something we can work together on it

        • Kathy

          I will, thanks, ajoy dey(jay)!

    • Jayme Campos

      Hello Ajoy I do agree that now it’s more on us to give it our all. I feel the same about having interesting topics since we are now at home we may be more distracted or not focused but if we have something that catches our attention or that we find interesting we would be more enthusiastic and the class will feel like a breeze.

  6. Kathy

    Hi, everyone! My name is Cuiming. I took the online courses last semester due to the pandemic, which I liked very much. It saved me a lot of time to commute to campus. Even though it was tough and stressful at first, I overcame that already. I realized that I need a lot of self-discipline, organization, and responsibility to do my schoolwork. However, this is my first time using Open Lab for the course. I think it is a great experience to explore different methods of learning. In addition, I chose my major in Computer Information System because I want to know more about this technology in order to help people to solve any computer problems.

    • ajoy dey(jay)

      I wanted to do CST so that I can make something to help other

      • Kathy

        Hi, ajoy dey(jay). That sounds great and creative if you could think of something new!

    • Jakob Suarez

      Hey Cuiming, nice to meet you. I agree that the transition to online classes can be really stressful. I think It’d be cool if we could help each other this semester in the course material, reach out to me if you need some assistance I’ll be glad to help. Anyways computer information system sounds cool good luck with that ^^

  7. Omar Mogollan

    Hello everyone, my name is Omar. I’ve taken online courses before but it was due to the pandemic. During this time I quite enjoyed the courses (even though they were sometimes irritating). With this semester going fully online I’m wondering how this asynchronous course will go, but then again there is a first time for everything. My major is Electromechanical engineering and a couple hobbies of mine are playing video games, watch anime, and go out with friends.

    • zack

      I have taken an asynchronous class before and, it went smoothly. Some tips that I have is to keep updated on your city tech email and openlab every day, always do the work as soon as you can. Being behind in an asynchronous class is tough, but other than that asynchronous classes can be very enjoyable

      • Ruth Garcia

        I think sharing your own experiences and advising each other on how to succeed with online classes is great! I hope you all do more of this.

      • Omar

        Hey Zack, thanks for the tips, will definitely take those in mind. Let’s get to through semester!

  8. Amia

    Hello everyone, my name is Amia Faulkner. I am currently in my second year. I would tell you guys my major but unfortunately I’m undecided at the moment. In the beginning of last semester, I doubted myself a lot thinking I was going to fail the semester due to me being a hands-on learner. It was challenging because of communication. I would consistently email my professor with questions and not get help until the assignments are due. Towards the end, I could say it helped improve in certain skills such as time management. A question I have is regarding the essays, will there be a 1st and 2nd draft before the final product? All the questions I had before were all answered from the syllabus. It was very straightforward.

    • Beddour ahmed

      Hi Amia, I totally agree with you it can be overwhelming. We have to always be on track with all the classes and manage our time, we can easily get behind if we miss only one class. sometimes also we need instantaneous help, not a reply that can be late and not enough explaining. But we are trying our best, I hope you do well this semester.

  9. Britney

    Hello, everyone my name is Britney Nurse. I’m a sophmore this semester and my major is nursing. This will be my second time taking online class; well you can say first because we transition to online class last semester due to the pandemic. I’m kinda looking forward to the online class because it might be easier for me to do other things like work. However, i’m not a fan of online classes because I like face-to-face learning, but it’s good to try new things and venture off to things that your not used to. other than that I hope all of us have a good experience with this online class and semester.

    • Amia

      Nursing is one of my interests, due to me being undecided is there anyway you can give me the pros and cons about it.

      • Britney

        TBH I dot have no pros and cons. All I can say is look for good professors on rate my professors and try to study. If you study it will get you far but I don’t even study because it’s so hard for me. Also, try to find people who can help you out in class cause that will help you out a lot.

    • Amia

      Nursing is one of my interests, due to me being undecided is there anyway you can give me the pros and cons about it.

    • evan

      hi my name is evan medina and I honestly do not know what to expect from this class. I have never taken a class entirely online before and I like to think that I am a better in person learner, but because of current circumstances this was the best option for me. The only aspect I’m concerned about is if I need help will it be available for me and will my skills as a writer improve. Those are really my only concerns for the class because the most important thing to me is improving my skills as a writer and learning future skills that I can use in my current career and my eventual one.
      My current career is an mri and ct and xray technologist at Presbyterian hospital and I am aiming for a second degree in nursing because I want to be more involved in patient care .

      • Vanessa

        Hi Evan is nice to meet a fellow RT, what school did you go to?

      • Vanessa

        Hi Evan is nice to meet a fellow RT, what school did you go to?

  10. Nicholas Adams

    Good afternoon everyone, my name is Nicholas Adams. As of right now, my major is Computer System Information, though I do intend on changing it soon. I am interested in writing, art, animation, and technology. This is my first time taking an online course. I am looking forward to developing my skills as a writer as well as learn topics that I have never learned about before. As of right now, my only concern about taking an online course is the structure. An online course is completely different from having a physical class, so at the very least I hope I can manage. I look forward to passing this class, and I hope everyone here passes too! Have a nice day/good night and stay safe everyone!

  11. James Paul

    Hello my name is James Paul. It is my third year here at City Tech and my major is Mechanical Engineering Technology. I chose to attend City Tech because they were one of the few colleges that had an engineering program and that drew me in because not many schools had that option. It hasn’t been an easy road but I am determined to finish and get my degree. I am a fan of online learning especially the way that you do things. It is less stressful for having to wake up for a zoom call and your process is more streamlined than most other professors. We have a set schedule as due date for all assignments and there’s little to no confusion. As far as the syllabus I don’t have any questions. I was in your class last semester and I understand the way we do things. I understand that the books we need to read will be put online for us and that we will have discussion questions weekly.

    • Britney

      Can you give me some tips for online classes because I’m having such a hard time?

  12. Hakyung

    Hi everyone, my nam is Hayung Kim. I transfferd this semester from BMCC, so this is my first semester in CITYTECH. My major is Business & Technology of Fashion. I took an online lecture last semester because of Pandemics. But I moved to my country during the semester, there was an issue that I have to overcome and adjust the time differece between New York and Seoul, South Korea. I like online classes because there are no restrictions on time and space, but I have a difference almost 14 hours and it made me to take classes in 4am. Since this class does run in asynchronous, so it would not be a big problem if I do not forget the deadline for the assignment. I guess we’re having a hard time dealing with this Pandemics, I hope that we will go through it with this class.

    • Amia

      Hi Hakyung, I totally agree with you in terms of liking online classes due to no restrictions on time and space.

    • Amia

      Hi Hakyung, I totally agree with you in terms of liking online classes due to no restrictions on time and space.

  13. Daniella Santangelo

    Hello Professor Ruth Garcia and classmates. My name is Daniella Santangelo. This is my first time taking an online writing course. I’m happy that I don’t have to commute to school but I also think I do better with face to face learning. At first when I started online classes I was very stressed that I wouldn’t do that good but I ended up doing fine. They syllabus was very straight forward and answered the questions I had. I hope that everyone has a good experience with online learning and enjoys this semester.

    • evan

      hi Daniella I completely agree I also had the same concern because I feel like I do better face to face

    • Britney

      I also agree with you and Evan because I thought the online class would be a little easier but its really difficult for me.

  14. Abdulla Hassan

    Hi everyone, my name is Abdulla Hassan. Nice to meet with you all. This is my second semester and second time taking classes on online. My major is Computer system Technology. I prefer studying online, because its cheaper, as well as you don’t have to leave home and spent time on the road. I think we can learn and exchange opinion from different people around our class. If we study online, we can learn effectively and acquire lot of thing anytime with anyone. We don’t know when are we going back to college, so we should adopt more and more studying online.

    • Shahnoza

      It’s actually the same price I think. CUNY is making all of the classes online but charging students the same tuition money. The only cheap thing is saving transportation money and saving lunch money I guess.

    • Shahnoza

      It’s actually the same price I think. CUNY is making all of the classes online but charging students the same tuition money. The only cheap thing is saving transportation money and saving lunch money I guess.

  15. Beddour ahmed

    Hello my name is Beddour. Last semester was my first time to take online classes, it was pretty good. I like that online education saves time and effort that were spent on transportationand gaps between classes. Sometimes I feel stressed because of the huge numbers of email I receive everyday. It’s also hard to organize everything as I take five classes and each of them has different website and way of submitting the homework. In general it’s a good experience that has both good and bad sides.

    • Guilherme

      Hi Beddour, Nice to meet you.
      It can be overwhelming when we have different classes on different platforms and different sets of communication methods to deal with. I do enjoy not having to commute to school but I also miss getting to meet new people face to face. Once this pandemic is over I hope to have a few classes on campus. Let’s have a great semester.

  16. Anny

    Hello everyone, my name is Anny Abreu. This is my first semester fully online. It took a while to get used to it since last semester was very abrupt but now that I am accustomed to it, I can say that to me there’s more pros than cons. I especially like that this class is asynchronous because I am more of a night owl, so not being restricted by a set time helps me write better. Likewise, an asynchronous class also helps me focus on bettering my time management. One benefit of taking online classes is that I do not have to worry about being late to a class because of my commute. However I do think that online courses make it harder for students to communicate with their professors.
    I like watching horror movies, anime, and reading fiction.

    • Guilherme

      Hi Anny,
      I am also a night owl and enjoy doing my work when everything is quiet and I am the only one up because it is much easier for me to concentrate. I agree that is harder to communicate with professors with an online class.

      • Anny

        Yes I completely agree, nighttime is just more relaxing and much more easier to concentrate than the morning. It’s just a lot easier to do the work when you’re the only person still awake.

    • Shahnoza

      Yes the best part is taking up late or doing super early in the morning to get some work done. I know it’s so difficult to concentrate with online classes and difficult to communicate with professors.

      • Anny

        I think that professors now are going to be better at communicating with the students since they’ve had time to really prepare for online classes. Or at least I hope so.

    • Beddour ahmed

      Hi Anny, I also like to study at night, I am more focused when everything is quiet and people are sleeping. I like online classes because whenever I have the energy I do the assignments, not restricted with time.

  17. Jayme Campos

    Hello Everyone! My name is Jayme Campos this is my second year of college, my major at the moment is Health Sciences but I’m looking forward to applying for the Radiology program. This is not my first time doing online classes since I had to take some last semester but it is my first time really using openlab since everything from my past classes was done through blackboard. I have to say that my biggest concern with online classes would be missing a deadline or not giving in the work on time as well as missing something but that’s a problem with a fairly simple solution. I haven’t experienced any issues with classes online thus far it was actually the opposite I found myself doing better with online classes. I enjoy anything that has to do with horror/ sci-fi or mystery when it comes to books or movies/shows, I like socializing and meeting new people. Hope to interact more with my classmates in this class even though it won’t be the same as in person, wishing everybody good luck as we start this semester.

    • Hakyung

      Hi Jayme, It’s my first time using Open Lab, too. I used to confuse deadlines with the time differences between NY and my country. It’s a simple matter of caring more about time management, but at the same time, it’s hard to keep it. Wish you good luck to do not to miss the deadline 🙂

  18. Shahnoza

    My name is Shahnoza and I am hoping to major in Nursing. I am a single mother studying full time, working and also taking care of a little princess. My daughter is my life and she is my biggest accomplishment in life. She is the main source of my happiness and my life revolves around her. With a baby, taking online classes are so much more convenient because I could take care of my baby and do my homework at my own time

    I used to enjoy dancing, designing clothes, reading different books, sewing clothes and writing short stories. However once my adult life started all those hobbies had to be stopped but hopefully once I graduate from college I will start doing my hobbies once again.

    One of my favorite book is Fault in Our Stars by John Greens, I learned one of the best life lessons from that book. I learned that life is not about living long or living by social standards, but life is about living happily, in love and the best life you can regardless of its being short or not a typical life like others.

    • Abdulla Hassan


    • Hakyung

      Hi Shahnoza, I think online classes are perfect for people who have to do many things while taking classes just like you! We can save time to go to school and balance our personal life.

      • Shahnoza

        yes. having personal life is essential, a lot of students deal with personal issues at home and have adult responsibilities to take care of even at a young age.

    • Amia

      Hey Shahnoza,I think its important to always keep those hoodies a hobby cause they can be so beneficial at times.

  19. Ashley Severino

    Hello everyone my name is Ashley Severino. This is my first time taking an online class and I am very excited to see the ways in which we are going to understand each other and interact with each other as classmates. I have been a past student of City Tech since last semester. The random shift to online teaching was a little bit harsh last semester especially since it was my first semester of college. Thankfully, as the time went by things became more feasible. My biggest concern with this online class would be possibly not understanding given feedback but I am not too worried because professor Garcia seems to be very descriptive in her explanations which I really do appreciate. My current major as of right now is liberal arts. I do not plan on continuing majoring in liberal arts. I plan on using my experience in classes like these to hopefully increase my understanding on what it is i would like to major in. Things I like to do for fun is playing volleyball and reading. I enjoy science fiction literature more than anything. One question I have in regards to the class would be: Are we allowed to submit work days prior before the due due date , or do they have to be submitted strictly on the day that they are due? I wish everyone a successful semester and to all stay safe and healthy throughout this pandemic. 🙂

    • amenah elenani

      Yes I agree, there can be a lot of miscommunication but prof. Garcia replies quickly when you email her. Good luck Ashley. Hopefully this semester goes by smoothly.

    • amenah elenani

      Yes I agree, there can be a lot of miscommunication but prof. Garcia replies quickly when you email her. Good luck Ashley. Hopefully this semester goes by smoothly.

  20. Guilherme

    Hello everyone! My name is Guilherme Marques. I had classes online last semester due to the pandemic and I enjoyed it. It was strange at the beginning but I got used to it. Not having to commute to school is a plus because it adds extra hours to my schedule. This is actually my first time using OpenLab since all my online classes were on BlackBoard.
    I am a fan of true crime in documentaries, books and shows. Forensic Files is one of my favorites. I enjoy riding a bicycle around the city and walks along the East River Park when I have free time.
    I hope we will have a great semester online.

  21. Jakob Suarez

    Hey sorry for the late reply,
    my name is Jeico I enjoy watching movies, anime, and i am hoping to major in entertainment technology . It’s been a crazy year thus far and this is my first time studying fulltime online, I don’t know what to expect but I hope this semester goes by smoothly with you guys. I don’t have any questions or concerns but if I do I’ll bring it up in the class discussions. Let’s try to make the best out of this situation!

    • Guilherme

      Hi Jeico,
      Nice to meet you. Taking classes online has its perks but just make sure you don’t let the work accumulate. It’s easy to get overwhelmed once there are a lot of assignments to complete. Make sure you have a schedule and stick to it. Cheers to a great semester

      • Jakob Suarez

        Hey Guilherme, I appreciate the comment, thank you and cheers lol

  22. Shannon Forrester

    Hey, my name is Shannon Forrester and I’m majoring in Liberal Arts and Science. I will be pursing Radiology at another program. I had to switch to online learning in March due to the pandemic and loved it because I got to do assignments and tests at home and in my pajamas. It makes everything more flexible, especially for those who work crazy schedules. Only downfall I had was being more lazy to do the work. This is my first time using Openlab since I’ve been using Blackboard for the longest, so hopefully I get used to it.

  23. Abdulla Hassan

    Guys can we create a group study chat on whatsapp?

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